DIY Bench From Broken Chairs


Ever felt envy when seeing those nicely trimmed gardens with the classy benches? People lounging comfortably in a sunny afternoon, sipping on a glass of lemonade and gently skimming a book? You can have the same result without giving some antique dealer a couple of hundred dollars. You only need 2 chairs you don’t want to use anymore and a couple of wood, with some white paint at your disposal.
Cut the chairs and only leave the back side intact. Make a wooden square of the length you want your bench to be. Strengthen the base with another square of wood, but make this one gridded, just like in the pictures. Paint all of the materials in white. Attach a wooden board on top, on which you already glued or nailed a cushion. Decorate with some stylish small pillows. Enjoy!

Photo source:

 Unique garden bench

 Unique garden bench

DIY-Bench-From-Old-Chairs source


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