DIY Cute Owl Pillow


Owls are very cute and peaceful creatures and in some cultures they represent wisdom. Owls are also a popular motive used in fashion nowadays, as there are many clothes that have an owl printed on them. If you or your children are also an owl fan, than you will simply love this tutorial. By following the steps below, you will be able to create a cute owl pillow in no time. To make the pillow, you will need:

• 2 fabrics (one with pattern and one that matches it);
• some felt fabric (choose the shades that fit the 2 fabrics);
• batting;
• a pair of scissors;
• owl body template;



Print the template of the owl body and to make it easier for you to work with it, you can also trace it on wax paper. Place the template on one of the fabrics, trace the body of the owl and cut it out. After that, cut out the wings of the owl from the other fabric. Sew them together. Make the eyes and the beak of the owl out of the felt. You can get creative at this part and make the owl look the way you want it. Sew the two parts of the pillow together and leave the bottom part open to insert the stuffing. Stuff the owl with batting and make sure the batting gets everywhere (for instance, the ears of the owl). Sew the bottom of the pillow to secure it and you are done. An owl pillow is also a great gift in case you’ve been invited to a birthday party or if the holidays are approaching and you’re out of ideas.

28 Responses to “DIY Cute Owl Pillow”

  1. Bronwyn Davison says:

    Hi, love the cute owl pillows and dying to make them. Tried to download the pattern but was unable to. Would it be possible for you to email me the pattern and instructions.
    Kind Regards
    Bronwyn Davison
    Cape Town, South Africa.

  2. Susan Joyce says:

    Same, no template for owl pillows

  3. Irena Sopina says:

    Would it be possible for u to email me the pattern and instructions for making these lovely owl pillows?
    Best regards,
    Irena Sopina
    Zagreb, Croatia

  4. mandie irons says:

    Any chance u coukd email me the pattern olease would love to try this
    thank you

  5. Elizabeth says:

    lindo trabalho, amei

  6. Cynthia says:

    Nice pillows ! Would you mind sharing the template with us / with me please? Would appreciate it if you could email me the template.

    Thanks a lot.


  7. Debbie says:

    If possible, I would also like to have the template ;o)

    The owls are so cute!!!

  8. Debbie says:

    If possible, can you also send me the template?

    The owls are so cute!!! :o)


  9. Liz Reese says:

    Pls send me the template if possible

  10. Kathy says:

    I love the owls, but there isn’t a link to download the pattern. Would you please emaiil me? Thank you.

  11. Rovertos says:

    can we have the owl templates pls?!??!
    thx! 🙂

  12. Lovisa says:

    I love the owls, but there isn’t a link to download the pattern. Would you please emaiil me? Thank you 🙂

  13. die Hexe says:

    Hallo kann leider nichts runterladen wäre es möglich das eulen Kissen per Mail zubekommen

  14. Jennifer says:

    Was hoping to get this pattern e-mailed to me. Like everyone else, was unable to get the pattern on this site. Thank you

  15. Susan McDonnell says:

    Need template please!
    Thankyou. Xx

  16. Kinjal Ingle says:

    I would love to try out these pillows….(DIY Cute Owl Pillow) but I am not able to find the templates for them.I was hoping if you can email me the template designs…..These pillows are lovely….

  17. Natasha says:

    Hi there. I love these owl. Will it be possible for you to please email me the pattern? Thank you so much

  18. marilyn says:

    Hi, i am owl mad looked for the template with no luck 🙁 would be very grateful if you could add it to this sight or email it. Thank you

  19. Margherita says:

    Hi. They are really lovely. Is it possible for you to email me the pattern, please? Like everybody else I can’t download the pattern from the web site. Thank you 🙂

  20. Avyi Hill says:

    Hello! This is adorable, but there isn’t any template. Could you possibly send it to me? Thankyou! 🙂

  21. Jackie thompson says:

    I am havign issues as well trying to get the template/ can you please email them to me as well. soemthign must be wrong witht he site it dont let you download.

  22. Alina ciocanea hristescu says:

    Hello! beautiful work

  23. Lexi Eliot says:

    These pillows are so cute, but I couldn’t get the templates so would you please email them to me. Thanks. 🙂

    • Gillian says:

      Hi is it ok if you could email me the template?
      Because I don’t know where to find it.
      Thank you.☺☺

  24. Alexandros says:

    Can you please mail me the patterns too? Especially of the small round ones.. Thanks…

  25. Sarah says:

    Could you please send me the templates too? Lovely pillows 🙂
    Thank you.

  26. Keli says:

    I’d like to download as well please

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