DIY Easy Office Organizer


Who would have thought making an office organizer was so simple? The DIY project we are about to show you will leave you speechless. The entire trick is to see in depth and really plan things to the smallest detail. The first image you see might just look like some silly lines on pieces of cardboard. But the truth is they are guide lines for your office organizer. If you have all this copied perfectly, you can move on to assembling the parts together. Now the shape of your DIY organizer starts to be clearer. A few more fixings and not to forget the paint job and it’s done! Hard to believe that this lightweight piece of office furniture was entirely made by hand, by your own hands! Share the result you achieve with the rest of the community and don’t forget to always check for a DIY alternative before running off to buying something from the store.


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8 Responses to “DIY Easy Office Organizer”

  1. hiladosdel bosque says:

    Lastima q no hay medidas o poder sacar los moldes en tamaño original

  2. Stephen says:

    This is great, but the pictures don’t help me when there are no dimensions for the parts posted. Do you have plans or at least the dimensions?

  3. Cindi C says:

    Where can I find the plans?

  4. Annika says:

    Intéressant, mais ou trouvé les plans?

  5. Michelle says:

    Dimensions PLEASE!!!!!

  6. Michelle says:

    Wow how nice. but can anyone tell me what the dimensions are?

  7. mshin says:

    yeaaahh.. easy-peasy, indeed

  8. zorica says:

    Napravicu je i bez dimenzija. Savrsena-bas mi ovako nesto treba..

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