DIY Good Solution to Remove Stains


Avoiding staining a piece of furniture, fabric or carpet is something of epic proportions, if not quite impossible. The solutions to remove stains are often hazardous, for yourself or the actual material you apply it on. So, if you want to be sure you aren’t putting you or your belongings in harms way, try to make this DIY carpet stain removal. Here is how simply it actually is. Grab these next items and follow the instructions from below.

• a bottle with a squeeze lid;
• some baking soda;
• hydrogen peroxide;



Start with mixing 8 parts of the peroxide with one part of baking soda in the bottle. With the lid shut securely, shake the bottle so the contents are mixed together nicely. Apply the solution onto the stain and leave the chemicals to work for a while. It may take up to a couple of hours on some hard stains. Afterward, scrub with a sponge or vacuum the treated surface to make it clean. Let the carpet to dry and your job is done!


One Response to “DIY Good Solution to Remove Stains”

  1. Margaret ( Maggie) Kyttle says:

    That whole carpet needs cleaning. lol

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