Cream colored lounge chair in photo with fire pit , do you have instructions for DIY project….
@Cora, best way is to use pictures as inspiration and then get your tools out and have a go, best way to learn. Buy a box of 80 or 100mm pozidrive screws they are best for assembly 🙂
From where can I see his you can do these things
I LOVE these! Where can you usually find pallets cheap? I’m not even sure where to begin! Lol, but I MUST have these!!!
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Cream colored lounge chair in photo with fire pit , do you have instructions for DIY project….
@Cora, best way is to use pictures as inspiration and then get your tools out and have a go, best way to learn. Buy a box of 80 or 100mm pozidrive screws they are best for assembly 🙂
From where can I see his you can do these things
I LOVE these! Where can you usually find pallets cheap? I’m not even sure where to begin! Lol, but I MUST have these!!!