DIY: How to Repurpose Old Leggings


This super easy fashionable top can be done by anyone at home, you just have to own a pair of leggings. As leggings are starting to go out of style these days, you can easily transform them in a cool top that is trendy and awesome. It will be the perfect top for a summer festival or a beach party. The trick is simple, take a pair of leggings that have a nice print and a pair of scissors. Cut the back part of the leggings as this will become the décolletage of your top, so cut it as deep as you would like it to be. Than all you need to do is try on your new cool top and match it with a pair of pants or a fashionable skirt. The top doesn’t require any sewing or other modifications, once you cut the leggings and transform them your new blouse will be ready to wear. If you have several pairs of leggings at home, you can make a bunch of tops with this technique and have a cool top in any color and pattern. Such an easy idea and the outcome is pure genius.




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  • Lovely idea! There are few boxes of not so old clothes at home that mi girls would gladly recycle this way. They are recently very interested at reusing different stuff and also are learning to use my sewing machine, so this post is exactly what we need for a great recycling and re-purposing weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

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