DIY Idea: Make Your Own Portable Outdoor Kitchen







The perfect barbeque – all instructions

18 Responses to “DIY Idea: Make Your Own Portable Outdoor Kitchen”

  1. Amy Jeerh says:

    How do u hook up the water to the sink? Please give written instructions for the whole project I was unable to find them.

  2. Ryan Kane says:

    A couple of other ideas would be to add a waste chute in the cutting board with a garbage container underneath. Or add a hinge and install a cooler under the cutting board for a place to keep beverages.

  3. David says:

    Using a formica counter top would make it a lot lighter, just make sure you cover it when not using it. Another option is to make your own butcher block with scrap hardwood.

  4. al says:

    I don’t know if it’s just me or what, but pintrest will not let me link saying this site may lead to inappropriate content. ..super annoying

  5. Terri says:

    Al, You can go to Pinterest and search for it. I was told the link gets blocked due to viruses being imbedded into the pinnable link. 🙁

  6. yo eddie says:

    question should be where will dishwater go? hehe…guess, just irrigate it to a temporary canal somewhere in your back yard , like in the old days. :-p

  7. yo eddie says:

    Where’d my comment go?

    Again, Q should be where will the dishwater go? Guess, just dig a canal in the backyard, like in the good ol days! hehe :-p

  8. Elaine says:

    could not find suppy list

  9. srj says:

    hello, tried to pin this article but pintrest has it labeled as spam

  10. octavio torres says:

    Gracias. Very nice Project but I am going to make it for my indoors guest house. Thanks again. Great stuff

  11. larry says:

    Ilike and willuild one at my trailer site. just need to pt a canopy on and sied walls

  12. Jeremy says:

    You could run a copper pipe through the inside of the grill where the coal bed will be and then to the sink to get hot water to a standard faucet with mixing valve. Love the idea of a cooler under the cutting board with a refuse slot adjacent to it. Could even use pallet wood for the majority of it.

  13. Clarence E. Shepard says:

    This is AWESOME. Thanks for posting. It inspired me to build my own.

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