DIY Island Bed with Retaining Wall Bricks


When you hear the mentioning of an island bed, it’s most likely you are going to imagine a comfortable bed on a tropical island or something in this area. But truth be told, it regards plants and is actually a green bed not connected to anything, placed in a sea of grass. The following tutorial will show you how to make such an island bed and a raised one nonetheless! The steps are pretty simple and entail you drawing the desired shape of the bed, putting down a liner, digging the necessary trenches, laying your bricks and filling with soil (you can even use leftover soil for this), and finally mulching and planting. See the whole thing in a detailed version on the next webpage. And enjoy your new good-looking island bed! Maybe some neighbors will get jealous and ask how to make one for themselves.

Island-Bed-with-Retaining-Wall-Bricks-1photo: Backyard Gardening





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