DIY Panda Cupcake


Cupcakes can be decorated in so many ways and there are plenty of online tutorials that can help you become an expert in this field. The cutest and most creative ones are the animal-shaped decorations and these are perfect for a child’s party. Your children are going to instantly fall in love with this Oreo panda cupcake. In order to make this type of cupcake, you need to start with baking some muffins and hollow out their center. Fill them with the cream of your choice and add a chocolate topping. To create the panda’s head, make a consistent frosting that you can mold, and create a small ball. Cover this ball with whipped cream and roll it in coconut. To create the face of the panda, use chocolate and then you can go to the last step, adding the Oreo cookies. You can visit the following link, for detailed instructions and for a delicious muffin recipe that you can use as a base for your panda cupcake.

Panda CupCake Instructions by Mary Candy

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