DIY Plywood Cat Castle


Kittens love to have their own hiding place as they are playful and curios all the time. So when buying a cat you need to think about ways to keep your pet entertained all the time. Weather you reorganize your entire place for your cat or add some cute games and cat-spaces to your home, it is always a good idea to think of DIY ideas. Take a look at this awesome cat castles, that will let your kitty feel like a royalty. The castle is made out of textile and once you have the pattern it is very easy to cut the whole thing out and assemble it. You can basically, create any type of castle you want, the important thing is for it to have lots of small entrances where your cat can enter and take a look. Inside the castle you can place some shelves, so your cat can climb up and enjoy a nice view.

The fluffier the material is the better your cat will feel as it will have its own cozy place for sleeping and playing. So if you too feel that this is an awesome idea, don’t hesitate to build your cat a cool castle. So, to build a castle like this you’ll need plywood and carpet..

Plywood-Cat Castle-1 Oriented strand board (OSB)

Plywood-Cat Castle-2

Plywood-Cat Castle-3

Plywood-Cat Castle-4

Plywood-Cat Castle-5

78 Responses to “DIY Plywood Cat Castle”

  1. Mike says:

    Neat castle for the kitties. But whoever wrote the caption for this obviously failed high school English class. I don’t mean to be a grammar nazi, but this is atrocious.

    Kittens love to have their own hiding place(comma here) as they are playful and curios(curioUs) all the time. So when buying a cat you need to think about ways to keep your pet entertained all the time. Weather(Whether) you reorganize your entire place for your cat or add some cute games and cat-spaces to your home, it is always a good idea to think of DIY ideas. Take a look at this awesome cat castles,(no comma here) that will let your kitty feel like a royalty. The castle is made out of textile(comma here) and once you have the pattern it is very easy to cut the whole thing out and assemble it. You can basically,(no comma here) create any type of castle you want, the important thing is for it to have lots of small entrances where your cat can enter and take a look. Inside the castle you can place some shelves, so your cat can climb up and enjoy a nice view.

    The fluffier the material is the better(period) your cat will feel as it will have its own cozy place for sleeping and playing. So if you too feel that this is an awesome idea, don’t hesitate to build your cat a cool castle. So, to build a castle like this you’ll need plywood and carpet..

    • I love Leet says:

      7h4nk y0u w3b573r, 7h3r3 15 4lw4y5 0n3 l1k3 y0u 1n 3v3ry 5173.

    • Maggie says:


      I’m completely in agreement with you. Quality of journalism has gone out the window ever since the Internet. It seems that it is more important to have your article out there first, rather that spending the time to proofread. People have gotten so lazy and it’s not helping with twit and text speech. It totally disgusts me to read something and be so distracted by the errors that the point of the article is lost. Good job! Keep it up.

      • Lynn says:

        Have you NEVER made a misspell? A typo that you missed? EVER?? Have you EVER thought that the person that wrote that may not have gotten a good education (like myself)? Some people are better at speaking than writing. While I agree that perhaps the person could have gotten someone to proof read for her/him if spelling wasn’t their finest feature. But you really don’t know the reason behind the bad grammar and spelling. People are so quick to judge, like they themselves have no flaws or faults.

      • Frank says:

        This was written by a handyman not a “journalist ” y’all need to lighten up and go correct people elsewhere.

      • PJK says:

        Well, my goodness! Maggie, regardless of your intent, I have to agree…”lighten up.” You come off like somebody who would put on a formal evening gown to haul the trash cans to the curb.

    • Roberta says:

      Mike, if your comment was intended to be grammatically correct, you sorely missed the mark!!!

    • Mary says:


    • Charlotte says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Keep in mind, however, that English may not be the writer’s first language. If so, this person’s English writing skills are much better than my Spanish writing skills!
      This little article gives me great inspiration to build a structure for my cats under the front window of our family room.

      • DaveH says:

        If it’s meant for an English-speaking audience, it should be proofread with that in mind. I would not give them a pass on bad grammar for that reason, unless it was an amateur site. We shouldn’t encourage sloppiness. If I was writing in a language I was not an expert in, I’d have someone who was check it for me.

    • AceMoose says:

      One more egregious mistake: “buying a cat” .

      Why breed and buy when perfectly adoptable cats and dogs in shelters will die because there are not enough homes for them?!

      • Lynn says:

        You still have to pay for the cat from a shelter. They don’t just hand them over to you. An adoption fee is still there. Unless you get one from a friend, you still usually have to pay some sort of rehoming fee just to help cover the cost of the feeding the kitten while the kitten was eating solids and using the litter box. It also helps insure that psychos aren’t going to take the kitty home and do abuse it. So even though it might not be from a breeder, you still have to hand over money.

        • Merlynn's Mom says:

          We recently adopted a 1 yr old cat from a rescue centre.. She was spayed, had all shots, de-wormed, flea treatment and micro-chipped. The cost was $125. We could have gotten a kitten for free but we wanted to give a cat a home who might be overlooked. The cost of having everything done would have been much more than what we paid. She had been removed from a home with too many cats and was pregnant. She’s still a little shy – after only 1 week but coming around. We’re very happy with our choice.

    • pat broober says:

      mike i think you may also need re-educating. you are adding all these comma’s but you are leaving in the and, the idea of the comma is to replace it. it does not need a comma after textile. no comma is needed in the first like of 2nd paragraph as the sentence is correct.

      i think this is a very good idea for young cats, especially, but maybe some easy access areas would be a good idea.

      i also feel that this is not an english lesson. there is no need for nastiness to anyone as that in my eyes, is being rather ridiculous

    • Brendan says:

      So what you took away from the article was that there was gramatical errors. Seriously? This is a sweet idea nuff said it is not an article about journalism, politics or tabloid crap it is a idea giveaway so maybe critique the idea not the writing. Plus can’t wait to build somethin like this though I would say it might be better to perhaps make it easily accessable inside as a previous post stated, this would be good for a few reasons if you have more than one cat you will need to clean much more regularly but also when cats are ill or aware of the upcoming vet trip (or maybe even the “EVIL BATH”) they hide and hide well so being unable to get them can be dangerous or a real pain in the but, plus who doesn’t enjoy their lil monsters playing. Also as for cardboard boxes as someone posted as well the only problem with this is if your cats still have their claws (which they should) The boxes wont last as long but will be cheaper in the begining. Also as for carpet make sure you test the carpet first to make sure it is not too rough or pointy. Yup I suck at spelling, gramma and all things English

    • lu says:

      ffs it’s obviously a translation- you’ve got too much time on your hands mate

  2. Stef says:

    Wow. Mike, you seriously need to get a life.

    • Marg says:

      @Mike…..but you STILL understood what was meant…..right?????

    • Judy says:

      Sorry Steph, but the standards of spelling, punctuation and grammar are abysmal these days. We have a beautiful language which enables us to communicate and express ourselves, but the standards of teaching it have sunk to an all-time low. This really annoys people who speak and write well, and have had a good education. If this hacks you off, tough!

      • Kathy says:

        Judy: You should not have placed a comma between “write well” and “and have.” You’re separating the noun “people” from the verb “have.” Also, use of the Oxford/Serial/Harvard comma would be nice although not required in your sentence since it’s not ambiguous as the sentence: “I thank my parents, God and Ayn Rand.” (I personally wish use of the the Oxford comma were the standard in American as well as British English.)

  3. Lori says:

    Poor grammar interferes with the delivery of your message.

  4. Laurie says:

    This is really a neat Cat Castle(CC). One improvement though. I think that if you had a cat, or cats, coming and going, sleeping, playing, etc. in this CC you would want to be able to gain easy access to the inside. I would think that by splitting the front panel and hinging either side you could gain easy access for vacuuming/cleaning up cat hair and all the other “Gifts” that our cats leave us. You could also place a little chair/bench seat inside where you could go in and have some good cuddle or play time with your cats.

    • Lisa says:

      Great minds think alike! I am building a CC today and hinging it!! Also I like the idea of putting in a bench!

  5. Toni-Jo says:

    I would rather be poor at grammar than to be a social retard.Mike.

  6. Stefanie says:

    Where can I find the dimensions step by step instructions?

  7. Bowman says:

    I agree with Mike. Cute story, but if you’re going to write an article that people are going to read, use proper grammar and punctuation.

  8. Cathy says:

    Actually Stef, people who write content for blogs and websites need to learn how to spell or at least proofread their work!

  9. Brandi says:

    Mike, I believe that I, too, am a bit of a “grammar nazi”.
    I don’t think you need to “get a life”, as Stef said. Terrible grammar can be pretty annoying.
    However, I would hardly call two misspelled words and a few punctuation errors “atrocious”.
    If something like this gets to you, I can’t imagine the level of stress Facebook causes in your life.

  10. MizKitty says:

    Hi Mike,
    If you are going to be a complete grammar nazi … please do it properly.

    Take a look at this awesome cat castleS (no S here it’s just one caste right?),(no comma here) that will let your kitty feel like a royalty.

  11. MizKitty says:

    BTW … LOVE the caste! =^..^=

  12. dave says:

    This is a great unit. Are there full plans available?

    Stef I totally agree with you.

  13. Castle says:

    At least that explains the use of plywood (a second rate substitute for a real piece of wood when a superior piece of wood can be used – Green Bay should be used instead of Dallas! – you know who you are.

  14. Satan says:

    Mike buddy, you gotta calm down. NEVER be mean to the person who gave us the gift of KITTY CASTLE.

  15. KC says:

    @Mike, this was obviously written by someone who does not speak English as their first language. Also, you are incorrect and using so many commas. Don’t worry, it is a very common mistake.

  16. Gina Russomanno says:

    Would it be possible to send dimensions and directions as to shelving, carpeting, and type of glue or staples needed?

  17. Gina Russomanno says:

    Is there a way to obtain the pattern??

    • Mike D. says:

      I think he just pieced it together without much of a plan. Handy people can do that so easily. I sometime have that talent.
      For dimensions I would just guess using the back ground and kitties as reference sizes. Looks to be about 5 feet tall, 5 feet wide and 18 inched deep.
      I would try using yellow wood glue for the carpet application and don’t skimp. If that doesn’t hold then urethane glue (i.e. Gorilla brand).
      Good luck.

  18. Take a look at this awesome cat (castles)should have been castle(not castles).

  19. tom says:

    Can we talk about the unabashed shrine to #18 in the background?

  20. Mike D. says:

    Please do not confuse me with Mike the Troll and please forgive any grammatical errors.

    I love this idea ! ! ! (oops first grammatical mistake).

    I think this could be done with cardboard boxes with a little reinforcement. Gluing cardboard sheets inside the boxes would do the trick. I am trying to think of an easy way to make it modular so you can change it up and/or move it if necessary but keeping it stable and safe.

    I think I will start my plans now.

    Thanks again,
    Mike D..

  21. Dan says:

    Awesome coment!

  22. Bryce says:

    The fact that u took the time two correct all the grammatical errors proves that their are sum ppl with two much time on there handz. Have fun with that.

  23. The Hutch says:

    Hey folkes,

    I am extremely surprised about the responses on this article….

    First of all: It is very nice if someone takes the time to show the world something very nice he/she created. It costs time and energy to show us with several pictures and to write a story but not getting paid for it!

    Second: Not everybody is capable to write in perfect English. It is also known that technicians usually less good communicators. Also people who are extremely good in exacts like Math and science, are less good in languages. Also opposite is true…..the very good linguists are usually bad scientists or technicians….. So? This person has handy hands (technician?) and less good in language….
    Everybody has its own talents….right?

    Last but not least: I will probably also get nasty responses of all of you about my English……AND I DON’T F*CKING CARE…..because i am NOT a native English speaking person, and maybe the original writer also not!!!! And i am a hell of a good technician AND scientist…. I have 4 universital degrees, but NOT in any language!
    My knowledge on MY terrain will blow all of you out of your minds…….

    So PLEASE be more flexible and HUMAN, because NOBODY is perfect……

    I see a nice cat castle and a person who wants to share this including building instructions so more people and cats can enjoy this…… That was the goal of this article and nothing else!! And all of you could understood what he/she wrote, so it was clear enough


    • krista says:

      thankyou so much for saying that. my fiance is a technician and great with numbers, but you cant understand half of what he writes. lol people seem to get so judgmental and wrapped up with the small things in life. i clicked to see the kitty castle (awesome) and read a few comments that might offer other suggestion in the area of creativity. i was not expecting a half ass grammar lesson. but life is good, im smiling. have a good day all.

  24. Phil says:

    Who gives a s#!* about the article? I didn’t even read it, just looked at the cat castle. Stop TRYING to be PhD’s in English and just thank the person for sharing. Maybe they are learning English or are mentally challenged in some way. Go ahead and pick my reply apart for mistakes. I learned and speak damn good English, but, I’m also human and make mistakes.

  25. Jason says:

    I agree w/the grammer etc…but, that’s just an aside. My bigger beef is this is an article about making an awesome cat castle and in the middle is “…and once you have the pattern it is very easy…”. Pictures are nice, especially including some mid-term steps vs just the end product, but…would be nice to have said pattern.

    30-some complaining/fighting about grammer and 2 or 3 point out the real omission. Meh……

    All aside – cool idea, good story/post…move on…

  26. Darryl says:

    I’m so glad there are people like Mike in this world who have the time to catch things like this. No really we could be volunteering or caring for the elderly but this is clearly important to Mike (and me₩ at this point in my life.

  27. Mary says:

    So sick of grammar Nazis! …get a life, please…
    Apparently, the bad grammar did not deter you from reading the article…

    Regarding the article, cute idea, thx!

  28. acea says:

    Thank you for the great ideas 🙂

  29. brian says:

    Mike’s knot interested in wat you got to say.
    Mike doesnt care about kittens and DiY.
    Mike’s to bizzy being a Gramour Nazi.
    Dont bee like mike.

  30. M. Pearce says:

    I don’t give a rat’s ass if the words are spelled correctly or the commas are not used. It’s a great idea! In regards to plans, use your imagination. You can make it as tall, wide or deep as you want it. Pretty basic carpentry.

  31. Kendra says:

    The problem is, they DIDN’T fail high school English class for the whole point of failing is for to then put them through the class until they CAN do understand it. Nowadays our edication system is a joke, everyone gets an E for effort.

  32. Kar says:

    Oh who cares about grammer. Go edit some college student’s essay to get your fix, “Mike!” Look how much effort it took you.
    I LOVE this cat castle! Thanks for sharing!

  33. Valerie Bichette says:

    If you were really smart you would go waste your time posting in a more positive manner on something that interests you or maybe something you have knowledge about.
    Apparently your ignorance is blaring.

  34. Valerie Bichette says:

    Just to be clear my previous post was directed at Phil

  35. God says:

    Damn, you must not have a life.

  36. Brendan says:

    As for plans I believe that the biggest thing is the size of your cats for instance a Bengal Vs. a Dom Short Hair in other words very diffrent in size. So it is not realy possible to make a one size fits all concept but most cats love entrance spots that are not much bigger than their waist or if you got a FATCAT than maybe their head. And as for hieght this again depends on your cats size and health for older cats perhaps shorter in hieght incase they stumble. Also the addition of more ramps as well but hey you should know what your monster likes and your own level of skill so base it upon that. Another great thing about play areas like this is it encourages cats to be energetic and play which will help them to live a longer life. Yup again I did bad gramar and yup a bit late to the conversation but I just felt like putting my 2 cents in.

  37. Weronika says:

    It’s so beautiful! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your ideas.
    We would like to create something similar for our own cat Bruny 🙂
    Thanks angain.

    Best regards from Wroclaw (Poland)! 🙂

  38. Kathy says:

    I would Love!!!!! To have the directions for this if you could email them to me that would be Awsome! !! I would pay to have this made I love this!!!!!!

  39. Kristy Shaw says:

    ‘Gotten’ is not a word in the English vocabulary

  40. Lisa says:

    I am a gramma Queen but people make mistakes and so bloody well what. If it wasn’t for my phone correcting most of this it would be terrible because my fingers are too big for the buttons

  41. Trace says:

    JeeZus to those of you Barge arsed Spelling Neonazis. Perhaps you should stop being so damn particular with your grammar and spend a little more time doing hands on projects like this guy did. Not everyone is good at spelling, Not everyone is good at maths, not everyone actually gets off their arse and makes stuff.
    This guys is great at Making things, this guy is bad at spelling..
    So fricken what..

    Hats off to you for a great cat house…. Keep it up

  42. Sheila Olson says:

    Where do I find the written plans to build thing castle? I could care less about the spelling. Every second word could be wrong. I just want to build it. I apologize for all their retarded comments above.

  43. me1308 says:

    Easier than building from scratch….
    Get one of those inexpensive 6 or 9 cube shelves. Cut entrance holes on the back side, with a few inside (like a maze). Make sure those cuts are very smooth, so kitty and kiddies don’t get scrapes and splinters in their paws. You can even paint the cut edges. Place warm n snuggly bedding (towels, old t-shirts, sections of an old blanket, pet blankets, etc) in each cube. Turn the whole shebang so the open cubes are to the wall. Kastle Kitty is complete.

  44. Cassandra Y. says:

    What was the measurements for the project? Like how tall were the openings, or how tall was the whole thing by itself? How big were the pieces? I’m confused.

    Cassandra Y.

  45. K says:

    People.. calm the f*ck down.. grammar police

  46. Pelvica says:

    very nice, my tiger would like it. 🙂

  47. J. Marsh says:

    It’s obviously written by someone who doesn’t speak English as their first language.

  48. Liz says:

    I used to be a spelling and grammar nazi until I realized it is extremely annoying! I didn’t even notice those errors because I was reading the content, as you should have been. You’re missing out on life. Do you look at life through your phone too?

    When I read your comment, I went into analyze mode. You still missed stuff and made errors, as well.

    No one is perfect. Lighten up and enjoy life.

    Everyone see the kitty playing on the structure while it is being built? That is so cute! That is the only reason I wanted to leave a comment! <3

  49. Liz says:

    That might work. I have a couple of these that I’ve just been storing. I could get a couple shelf hangers and hang it on wall.

    I want to see if you can order a solid piece of cardboard, like you put on the back of furniture, cut to size. That would be easier to cut than wood. I have a saw but I can’t cut perfect circles with it. I could do better with an large exacto on cardboard.

    Then I could line shelves with fur. Then buy that cute adhesive stone/brick stuff they sell. Make fake turrets for top. Could end up being REALLY cute.

    Thanks for thinking outside the box. 😀

  50. Albert says:

    I don’t know why some people need to focus so much on the proper grammar. Piss off Mike.

    I love this cat castle idea!

  51. ags says:

    Hi, If anyone is reading this in 2021, please advise the best way to attach carpet to the plywood. I’m building a cat castle soon and would appreciate any advise.:)

    P.S. f*ck grammar police

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