
12 Responses to “Boot-Patterns”

  1. Camilla says:

    Hello. Wher is the pattern too do the crocboots?// Camilla

  2. Helen Whitehead says:

    Hello, I don’t seem to be able to find the pattern.


  3. Wanda says:


  4. Mary R. says:

    Pattern, please!!! Where is it?! How do I get it???

  5. dream says:

    You have to buy the pattern. You have to click the word here on the previous page.

  6. sandy says:

    I very badly want this boot crochet pattern how do I get it please.

  7. lyn says:

    please knit

  8. tina says:

    I seen your boot picture on facebook and I like it !!! But I can not seem to find the pattern !!! Can you please tell me how to find it or send it to me ??? PLEASE !!!

  9. denise says:

    I paid the 8.00 for the boot pattern but had to change my e-mail please send it the new e-mail

  10. Shane says:

    These people really don’t want anyone to have the pattern since they make it so difficult to find. I highly recommend going to Pinterest, you can find the pattern for free on there.

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