DIY: Safety Pin Bracelet Tutorial


Custom handmade jewelry can give a great amount of satisfaction to its owner, as it is something unique that was made by their own hands. There are so many great jewelry ideas out there, that’s why you can choose the ones that represent your personality. This next handmade bracelet tutorial is perfect for bold and trendy girls, who are looking for the perfect accessory this summer. The bracelet is made out of safety pins and you can make it any color you wish. To make it, you will need:

• a lot of safety pins;
colorful beads;
• some thin elastic band;

Take each safety pin, open it and start to add beads to them. Add as many as colors as you want, you can also try and create some cute patterns, using the beads. If you like more simpler designs, you can only choose 2 or 3 colors of beads. Do this until you get enough beaded safety pins for your bracelet. Take two pieces of elastic and a tie a knot at the end of each one. This will prevent the safety pins from falling off the elastic. Add the pins one by one, by inserting one elastic at the top of the pin and the other at the bottom. Alternate the pins, by reversing every second one when adding it to the elastic. Also make sure, that the beads are all on the outside of the bracelet. Place the elastic on your hands to see how long you’ll need to continue adding the safety pins, and when you reach the desired length just untie the two knots at the end. Tie the two elastics together to get your bracelet. You can also use glue to secure the knot. Don’t forget to have fun wearing your new bracelet and in case you get tired of it, you can always make another one by changing the colors of the beads.

3 Responses to “DIY: Safety Pin Bracelet Tutorial”

  1. daniele says:

    Made these about 20 years ago. My problem was that the safety pins tarnish and loose their gold, any suggestions.

  2. Stacey says:

    What about coating the pins with a good clear nail polish?? Or there is Spray Krylon that comes in clear and also in many colors….Hope this will help !!!! Stacey

    • Dianah Rutledge says:

      Be sure that you keep all of any jewelry that is not real silver or gold in plastic bags that will keep them from tarnishing. After removing your jewelry you can take a clean damp cloth wipe it off let dry and place in bag.
      Hope this helps.

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