Earthbag Homes: Cheap and Easy to Build!


Earthbags are not the most modern construction method, but it has been proven to be amongst the most efficient. Both in terms of environmental impact and costs! Even though they seem like fragile structures, they have been used for long by the military as temporary solutions. You can even make it look like a normal concrete building. The only difference is that is bullet proof! Check out all the benefits of using this particular type of construction material. The costs are so much cheaper than the industrial solutions and you can raise the structure (home or barn) by yourself; a few friends will definitely speed up the process. Take a look over the pictures and video provided to get a better understanding of what designs can be achieved with the earthbag method.


Building a room/structure with continuous sandbags.




  • Leen Van Melle on said:

    I live in Portugal my house burned in the big fire .Now I would like to build a earth chip .
    Do you know people who give a workshops in this Technic ?
    I would like to start whit a tinyhouse to learn the technic and than maybe rebuild my house as a earthship.

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