In the serene landscape of Whidbey Island, just off the coast of Washington, Shelly has embarked on a unique living adventure by downsizing to a meticulously crafted tiny home. Following a significant life change after her divorce, Shelly made the decision to embrace a simpler lifestyle and purchased a plot of land on Whidbey Island. Her compact house, measuring a modest 36 x 8 feet, stands as a testament to minimalist living and thoughtful design. This professionally built tiny home, courtesy of Summit Tiny Homes, serves as a temporary haven while Shelly navigates the intricacies of obtaining approval and financing for her larger pre-fab home—a testament to her vision and determination.
The first-floor bedroom is a cozy retreat with ample room to navigate around the bed, providing a sense of openness in the confined quarters. A loft guest room adds a touch of versatility to the space, offering both intimacy and practicality for accommodating visitors. The long galley kitchen, a central hub of the home, allows Shelly to indulge her culinary passions with the freedom to cook a variety of dishes. Summit Tiny Homes’ craftsmanship is evident in the functional and aesthetic aspects of the dwelling, providing Shelly with not just a house but a well-designed home that aligns seamlessly with her new chapter on Whidbey Island.