Floating Solar-Powered Waternest Eco-Home


Does modern city-life rush you away from your own thoughts? If you too have been searching for a way to live in harmony with nature, independent from the city, than we have just the thing. More like, just the Solar Powered Floating Eco Home. With no worries for foundation, trees to remove, a concrete driveway to pour, or even land to buy, the WaterNest 100 is the perfect answer to living completely independent. The pod is a floating unit that can be placed on lakes or bays, along river courses or calm waters sea areas. The stylish eco-friendly home has been designed by Italian architect Giancarlo Zema. The 100 sqm is 98% recyclable. The materials are almost all recycled glued laminated timber and recycled aluminum hull. The 4 m high structure has superb large windows so you can enjoy the beautiful views from outside. The off-grid aspect is offered by amorphous photo-voltaic panels stretched on 60 sqm of roof. The WaterNest 100 is also a low-consumption structure, with natural micro-ventilation and air conditioning fitted on the inside. You can make the interior customized to your needs. The WaterNest can be a perfect eco house, office, and even a bar or restaurant.




Bathroom and kitchen skylights are located on the wooden roof, as well as 60 sqm of amorphous photovoltaic panels capable of generating 4 kWp which are used for the internal needs of the residential unit.



12 Responses to “Floating Solar-Powered Waternest Eco-Home”

  1. Marcia says:

    Would love to have one of these on a lake in some year round warm place.

  2. Ric says:

    Naaa…. too creepy. Too pod-like.

  3. Paul Banika says:

    Would like more info + cost re:floating solar-powered waternest.

  4. Marianne Kraus says:

    What a great idea and design,
    would like to know more about price and where it is sold !!!
    bestly M. Kraus

  5. Audrey Miller says:

    This home is amazing, it’s truly inspiring by solar power. This home will be an inspiration to others. Thank you for sharing this.

  6. Larry says:

    want more info like cost ect.

  7. Donna says:

    Does it make sense to create a pond on which to place it? How is the hull maintained….or is it maintenance free?

  8. Edward Thompson says:

    Only real problem is Finding water. All the places around here are Drying up, and those that are not are in Tsunami areas.

  9. Day-yah-nay Wiggins says:

    I would like more information as to costs-where it’s manufactured-shipping-availability-other options-modifications-septic systems- land applications–ETC?

  10. Sue Haines says:

    Please send additional info to above email, thanks

  11. Atiim El says:

    For the record I like your floating home can you send me more information cost ect..

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