Photographer Captures Frozen Waves of Colorado Lake Looking Like Glass Dunes

Eric Gross is a very talented landscape photographer from Colorado, who has been traveling around North America to capture the most stunning scenery on his camera.
He recently reached the snowy crests of the Rocky Mountains and discovered the amazing frozen Colorado lake which looked like glass. His walks inspired Gross to start a series of landscape photos capturing the majesty of the lake, reflecting the mountains and the forest.
He soon approached another angle, by shooting the waves directly from the ice and using his hat and gloves to stabilize the camera. This was the first time Gross attempted such an intricate snap, but the results are more than stunning. After creating the first series of pictures, the photographer returned many times to the lake to capture its beauty from all angles and witness the changing of the seasons.
Gross has spent more than 18 months traveling and shooting the landscape from the road, but this lake series, closest to home, is what made him feel truly lucky.

Eric Gross: Facebook | Instagram

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