Group Wants Colorado Kids to Save the Bees This Summer–Giving Out 100,000 Free Packets of Wildflower Seeds

Next Monday marks the beginning of National Pollinator Awareness Week. In celebration, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) is spearheading an initiative to encourage Colorado’s youth to help save the bees by planting wildflowers. Established by constitutional amendment in 1992, GOCO uses Colorado Lottery proceeds to fund the preservation and enhancement of the state’s natural areas. This year, GOCO’s subsidiary, Generation Wild, is distributing over 100,000 packets of wildflower seeds at museums, Denver Parks and Rec offices, and libraries throughout the state. The “Save the Bees!” initiative is designed to beautify Colorado, promote ecological diversity, and create a more hospitable environment for pollinators, all while engaging children and families in outdoor activities.

A recent report from the Colorado Department of Natural Resources highlights that 20% of Colorado’s bumblebee species are at risk of extinction. In response, the initiative aims to mitigate this decline by encouraging children to plant wildflowers in their backyards, thus supporting local ecosystems. GOCO Executive Director Jackie Miller emphasized the dire situation, noting a 72% decline in the Western Bumblebee population in Colorado. By distributing 100,000 seed packets, which equates to over 56 million seeds, Generation Wild hopes to create numerous pollinator-friendly habitats. Developed with Applewood Seed Co., the Wildflower Seed Mix includes regionally-native species, ensuring they are well-suited to Colorado’s climate and require less water. This initiative not only fosters environmental stewardship among children but also aims to educate the public on the importance of pollinator conservation. For more information and to find local pickup points for the seeds, interested individuals can visit Generation Wild’s website.

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