This next project took Cedar Anderson around 10 years to make and achieve the final product. He together with his father, Stuart raise honeybees and they were in search of a more simple and non-painful ideas of collecting honey from the bees. The product they developed is called the Flowhive and it’s the result of 10 years of planning and testing. The Flowhive uses a bee brood box which is combined with a storage and extraction unit. Their system has a special design that uses Flow frames instead of honeycomb frames used by a regular beehive. To learn more about this amazing project, the technology and ideas behind it, watch the video below…
Less labour, more love …
- No mess, no fuss, no heavy lifting, and no expensive processing equipment.
- Through the clear end-frame view, you can see when the honey is ready without opening up the hive.
- The extraction process is so gentle, the bees barely notice at all.
This revolutionary flow system makes the extraction process far less stressful for the bees and so much easier for the beekeeper.
are these for sale? I am interested, Thank you
Yes, these were on Indiegogo and I believe Kickstarter as well, here is their Indiegogo page which has more information on the products they offer.
Donde las puedo comprar . están genial
I would also be interested in buying one. Please email me. Thank you.
Well i hope you are a beekeeper or have already been looking after bees before ! Bees still need to be looked after
Flowhive . google it.
I would be interested in more information on This
What type of plastic is used in the production of the frame – container.
How does it react with the honey components, temperature, etc.? Do we have data on aging of this material?
I would love to have one of these.where do I purchase them at?
please email me and let me know where and how to get one .
thank you
Doug Marshall
Interested in one of these systems
Hi how much for a it would like 1 live in new Zealand
Anytime you break or fracture bees wax there are pieces of wax that come loose…is clogging a problem and if so is the unit serviceable and cleanable
I would like to aquire one.I live in Argentina
Are they reusable once you have drained the honey , do they move back into place?
This is Clint Smith.
You can reach me at
Please do.
Come on now, with the cost of this thing it is unbelievable. A regular Langstroth hive is the best way to go. How long does it take for the honey to run out. You do know that honey absorbs moisture, and with the hive out side
if the humidity is high how much moisture will it absorb? How do you know what the moisture content of the honey is when its inside this contraption. I still think this is a high price piece of junk,
I need pricing and how to order please
Too ridiculously EXPENSIVE. Remember you have bee equipment, bees, queen to buy
Thats Crime against the bees ans the people. This product is no honey, its only nectar! Sick idea.