House On Wheels – VW Transporter

The house is a place to spend time with people we love, place to live and shelter from heat and rain. A house is generally built on a parcel of land at a particular location and can not move but what do we have here? A Car House! The company Overlander Motorhomes makes this car at the motor home, thanks to the device DoubleBack. This model is the proof that VW Transporter is a legend, because the engineers have decided that even such a volume as this vehicle should be able to grow in size.
As a result, the inside of our vehicle will stay and a bed, and dining area with kitchen , and a wardrobe. Moreover, the roof can be lifted up and front seats also can be deployed in the direction of living space. To unpack DoubleBack it takes only 45 seconds.

More info about this project from one seller..

5 Responses to “House On Wheels – VW Transporter”

  1. Steve says:

    amazing…i love it

  2. Gordon_G says:


  3. Jim says:

    Fantastic,would love to see how bed area folds away and to where,please give us more information and are there any decent suppliers available in Ireland?

  4. Franca says:

    I wouldn’t mind one of this at all, great design!

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