The lack of space is a big issue in a lot of households, but this doesn’t mean you have to throw out some of your things. Instead of doing a big clean, you should search for new and space saving ways to store your stuff. There are a lot of cool space-saving ideas and this next one is simply genius. Your fridge is one of the largest appliances in your home and it obviously occupies a lot of space. Besides this, some unused space is generated automatically on the two sides of the fridge which is usually small and narrow. Only if something would fit in there, so you can make a use of this space too! Well, here’s a great idea: build a hide-away pantry there where you can store your food cans. Use wooden pieces to build the pantry and place in on small wheels so you can roll it out anytime from near the fridge. Place your cans on the pantry’s shelves and roll the whole structure near your fridge. Such a cool idea and very easy to make too! But more more details check out the tutorial provided by Roeckers… Pin it!!!
Pull-Out Pantry Cabinet DIY completed and tutorial
More ideas..
- 25 Brilliant Kitchen Storage Solutions
- Pull-Out Pantry Cabinet
- DIY Lazy Susan Pantry
I like this single line pantry. I hate my pantry. Every six month i find my self having to reorganize the thing.
I would like one plans for this space saving can good holder
perfect for my kitchen!
This isn’t smart for food stuffs because its a very warm area. Also it may interfere with the cooling of the fridge
I wondered about the heat from the refrigerator. That might not be so good.
Not good ! Too hot from heater!
I agree. Perhaps put the back of it on the opposite side with some thermal material instead of having the food items face the fridge??
not smart huh? well here is some food for though since you obviously didn’t think ….that is a can pantry…non perishable. Where as you may think the food at grocery stores magically appears is all shipped there either by local vendors or large distributors. The main way this food gets to the store is by an non air conditioned 18 wheeler trailer. so in the winter it is extremely cold in the trailer and in the summer oh the summer it can reach in excess of 200 degrees… So going back to the name of canned food…NON-PERISHABLE meas the environment doesn’t affect the food due to the preservatives used. so with that ignorance out of the way. on to the Refrigerator. In all my years i have never seen a fridge with a side compressor or anything like that that needed ventilation… so your it could interfere with the cooling is also a bust… it blocks nothing…. i made all these conclusions just form looking at the picture and knowing how retail works…. how about before opening your mouth you should educate yourself on how things are done and how things work
You are mean in your response. U can inform without insulting. Sorry ur heart is so angry
Actually maybe you should educate Yourself. Canned goods are still supposed to be stored somewhere that is cooler than beside the fridge. Have also worked in retail. And no where is this stored in an area of a store that is that warm. Neither is the truck it is shipped on. Get real.
Dear Donna please show me where it says that canned goods need to be stored in a cool place. None of my canned goods say any such thing. In fact, if you do your research you will find that the only do’s and don’ts for storing canned goods is to avoid “direct” heat and do not freeze. They are by definition NON-perishable. Meaning they will not perish. In other words, they will not go bad. As for where it is stored in your store??? They are placed in aisles for ease not because they are not warm. As for the trucks they are shipped in…I and both of my parents have driven those very trucks for over 19 million miles between us and I can assure you that your canned goods come on pallets in an enclosed trailer that is not cooled and in the summer when we are crossing the desert and even in the grand old midwest the temps inside that trailer reach well over 100 degrees. While it may come from your company distribution center in a cooled truck I can assure you that it is simply because there are other items in that trailer that require refrigeration. In closing, perhaps it is you who should educate yourself. The human mind is a terrible thing to waste. Worse yet is when a wasted mind exposes itself.
Why don,t you go fuck yourself you know it all prick..
You are correct except ‘due to the preservatives used’. Canned goods are heated to a temperature high enough to kill all bacteria packed in sterile containers and sealed. They don’t spoil unless opened which allows bacteria to get into the food. The heat from the fridge would have no effect.
who cares if it interferes with the fridge cooling. If it dies but a new one every 6 months. The landfills need more appliences in them anyways. On the other plus side your soup is always pre cooked!
should also be called, “how to overheat your fridge, and ruin your herbs at the same time”
…where would the air flow come from? There is a reason fridges aren’t pushed against the side wall, just like you don’t ever cover the vents of a computer’s sides…airflow is essential.
All electronics should have at least a few inches all the way around them, for air flow, otherwise it will just overheat and fail…
Perhaps some of you people should actually go LOOK at your refrigerators…
All of the airflow a fridge needs is underneath it.
Look at the hundreds of thousands of fridges installed with walls on both sides and the back is enclosed with cabinets above them. All of your heat sinks and heat dissipation is UNDER your fridge, not BEHIND it… The only refrigerators that have back mounted coils are 40+ years old that could double as a bomb shelter… The only thing on the back of your “Modern” fridge is the water line up to your freezer/dispenser
Google for the win —
Looks neat but you dropped the ball in your post making people think this would show them how to make this and you don’t have a link to get the plans and spec’s
defiantly want to build it yourself….just put in my wish list for new kitchen cupboards….they want 4800.00 for this type of pantry…800.00 for a lazy susan
This would not cause damage to your refrigerator. Most modern day cabinetry is built surrounding the refrigerator. Heat is evacuated through the vent at the bottom of your fridge. You know, the thing you bump your toe on when you get a glass of milk at midnight?
Yeah. That’s why that thing is there. It’s not to cheese grate your toes and ruin your night.
Also too hot for refridgetor with can of veg or soup or else not good hot should be cool dry
Overheating of the refrigerator… ever went to Europe or to Ikea? Refrigerators are usually part of a cabinet, where a cabinet door is screwed into the fridge door to keep it completely hidden. No room for ventilation here. My mom had one of those for 20 years and it never broke. And more expensive kitchens cabinetry is usually built so the fridge fits tightly, again not leaving space for ventilation. The space on the side is usually left to accommodate different widths used by manufacturers.
I had to get a new fridge not long ago. I thought about air flow but found that the coils were completely covered. I don’t know how they move the heat but it doesn’t appear to be around th top and sides. I doubt that this pantry would cause any problem at all. If you’re worried about it, don’t do it.
I totally agree with just some young dude. Do your research. My father-in-law was a truck driver and soups and things just sat in a stainless steel for days on end (whether it be freezing or extremely hot. Do some research l nm
Looks like the perfect design for a small kitchen. But we have to be really careful in selecting the items to keep as it is near to the refrigerator.
HOW TO BUILD A PULL OUT CABINET? Furken lies. SO sick and tired of clicking links that say there are the plans on how to make when all there is is another picture the same as the one I first saw. Dam cheeky way of trying to lead us to your website. No plans. No hints and tips as promised. NO MORE VISITS TO YOUR WEBSITE BY ME!!!!
I read all your comments, complaints, rants….wow. Any hoo, I LIKE IT! AND I WANT ONE! 🙂
Each time I go to a DIY tutorial on a fridge side rolling pantry, I see arguments back and forth over how dangerous it is to build one. Either “your fridge won’t get proper air flow” or “the warmth is not good for the non-perishable food”. And, EVERYONE’S an expert. All I know is that I have checked my particular fridge (a newer model Haier) every day since deciding I wanted to do this, and the sides have yet to be hot or even warm. Furthermore, I’m with ‘justsomeyoungdude’. Non-perishable items have been preserved and should be protected from heat and warmth. Unless there’s a puncture in the can, they should be fine. Also, most people who have basements and garages, which aren’t exactly known for good, cool airflow, build pantries in them and store their food in there.
Last I checked, there hasn’t been any mass deaths around the world caused by people storing canned goods in fridge-side pantries. They’re even being built into most new construction homes nowadays, because they’re a great concept. If they’re so freaking dangerous, then why are so many people using them? Good grief, I think sometimes people just need to be contrary, no matter if they’re right or wrong. I think I’ll use my own good sense and proceed with building one of these to utilize the almost 10 inches of space I have beside my fridge, that’s otherwise absolutely wasted….
as for the pull out pantry beside the fridge….it really isnt hard to make them. Yes, they do not put the plans up for people on here however, I have made two of them. One for me and one for my mother in law. We both have never had issues that yall are talking about with over heating or whatever.