How To Build a Squash Arch


How To Build a Squash Arch


When you don’t have much growing space it makes sense to train your vegetables upwards. In this short video we’ll show you how to make a very simple vegetable arch that’s perfect for creating a beautiful, edible focal point to your garden.

36 Responses to “How To Build a Squash Arch”

  1. desiree says:

    Would love Thry doing something like that

  2. confused says:

    I would think if one of those fell on you it would really hurt!!

    • jean-carle hudon says:

      Which is why they are called ”Squash” in the first place !

      • Kevin Mahoney says:

        It is a shortened version of the original Algonquin word according to a short search on the etymology of the word.

        squash (n.1)

        gourd fruit, 1640s, shortened borrowing from Narraganset (Algonquian) askutasquash, literally “the things that may be eaten raw,” from askut “green, raw, uncooked” + asquash “eaten,” in which the -ash is a plural affix (compare succotash).


  3. Denise says:

    This would be perfect for my urban garden space! Gotta try this…

  4. Debbie says:

    are the arches the ones that you used to could buy at dollar store or the big box place

  5. Jean says:

    Okay, the link is usually under the final image…don’t see it this time?

  6. Gardener says:

    Quite often I clink on times that interest me that then bring me to the Goos Home design site. However, in the site I’m unable to find the whole article or instructions.

  7. Vickie says:

    This,works great and tomato cages too….ox

  8. Cj says:

    Oh…i did this in my garden with cinder blocks at the base, 7′ tpost in each corner of the cinder blocks and the hog panels arched over attached to the tpost….it was so inexpensive, easy and beautiful!

    • Deanna McIntyre says:

      Cj by chance did you get a photo of yours and would you please share it with me. I dearly would love to make this. Thank you

  9. Theresa Prendergast says:

    Love vertical gardening

  10. Jane Doe says:

    It would end up full of spiders and snakes…

  11. Erin Collins says:

    Anyone have a good link to dimensions and instructions?

  12. Erica says:

    Beautiful work!

  13. Marlene says:

    I’m thinking about just using for perennial flowering vine’s, different varieties different areas of the yard would look really nice

  14. Keith Wilson says:

    Wondering if this helps with the squash bug population?

  15. Lj says:

    Am attempting with a goal post…..for the angle and not an arch and growing root croops in the recess….

  16. Louise Nowell says:

    So disappointing it’s called how to build an arch and it’s 2 bought ones.

  17. Cindy says:

    I planted my tomatoes beside my chain link fence. By the end of summer the plant was 6 feet wide and went up and over the fence to the ground. Low maintenance lots of tomatoes

  18. John says:

    In what part if the country was this squash tunnel grown?

  19. Jamype says:

    Can I just call it a “squarch”?

  20. Betty Gray says:

    I have woven wire at the end of my chain link. I let gourds climb up it & hang down. Love seeing them. Would love to have an arch.

  21. Mellykat says:

    I’d enjoy this even more if it were called a ‘squarch’.

  22. Karen Thorpe says:


  23. Ellen Benitez says:

    We used a cattle panel and 4 t-posts to do ours. In the photos, thats the big metal arch with the squash on it. The first two were sledge hammered into the ground at an angle pointing toward the arch, ‘pegs’ toward the arch. I pushed the arch into place while he hammered the opposite posts into place, and then adjusted the arch. It’s so heavy that it holds itself in place against the pegs. We might ziostrip it to the posts just as a precaution. Panel is roughly $23, posts $7 each. Should last 20 years.

  24. Carol Hamilton says:

    I have used an old metal carport frame with some attached page (woven) wire. I learned that if the wire is kicked out a few feet at the bottom and attached at the top my cucumbers and pole beans would just dangle underneath for easy picking in the shade. The shade was also a good place to keep lettuce, carrots, beets growing longer as summer heat advanced. Mine wasn’t very pretty, but it was a very good repurposing of a castoff item.

  25. khawkey says:

    I’ve attempt this several times , but alas… unsuccessfully. Actually, I have never had any real success with squash, zucchine, or cukes because what happens is the bugs get them in the end. Specifically, the worst is the root borer because it kills the vine at the base (and I’ve tried putting diatomaceous earth at the base in a soup can. For the bugs on the leaves, I’ve sprayed with Neem and fanatically checked the underside daily for eggs and torn off the leaf.

    What tricks do you have for success?

  26. Kathie says:

    would love to see a picture

  27. Marian says:

    Get your wood and soak it no, soak it more. Bend it to your arch tie it up. Secure and let dry. Ya big baby. It is much easier to buy the arches and build the plant trellises around them.

  28. Jesse Hamilton says:

    You have to cut them out with a small blade and try to cover your root bases with a fabric of some sort. Mine were ruined this year as well but they still produced some good food. Good luck next year!

  29. M'tika says:

    Where is the link define the instructions?

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