This is how to build Sean Brady’s low-cost vertical aquaponic system. All the photos are his, and if you have questions for him, you can contact Sean Brady here or email him at [email protected] .. or more info here..
This is how to build Sean Brady’s low-cost vertical aquaponic system. All the photos are his, and if you have questions for him, you can contact Sean Brady here or email him at [email protected] .. or more info here..
I’ve been looking at this over two days now and it looks impressive but I can’t understand it. There are obviously two projects going on. The smaller one is the vertical system and the larger, a traditional layout. The smaller system appears incomplete. Where do the perforated vertical pipes go? How is a the water in the blue barrels returned to the system? Actually, there are simply too many questions about it. Can you provided pictures of the whole working system?
Thanks for the site.
Put this in a walipini and have year round food anywhere.
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