How To Crochet A Car Seat Cover


Baby car seats are very practical and safe. But where can you find a good cover for a car seat? Store usually have all sorts of baby blankets, but in many cases they are too large and tend to fall off and land on the ground. So if you want to have the perfect car seat cover, you should make your own and more precisely, crochet it. The link below contains a really nice tutorial and a pattern for a crocheted baby car seat cover and you can make this at home in a weekend. You can even crochet several covers in different colors, so you’ll have one for every season. Visit the link below for details and images and start working on this sweet little project right away! (Free Crochet Pattern)

Emerson-Car-Seat-Cover-1 photo: Skein and Hook

Emerson-Car-Seat-Cover-2 photo: Skein and Hook

more details here…

6 Responses to “How To Crochet A Car Seat Cover”

  1. Marianne says:

    Nobody should use a blanket over a baby chair!!. What are you thinking about?. This will get too hot inside for the baby.
    Im chocked that this is advertised…….

  2. Rachael says:

    Why would you do this it is so dangerous!! The baby will make the baby over heat which can lead to sids

  3. charlotte hewlett says:

    You cannot be serious, this is so dangerous in the summer months… The heat under that blanket you have crocheted for the car seat can reach double the outside temperature causing the baby to over heat, which can lead to convulsions, swelling of the brain and death.
    Ridiculous this is being advertised anywhere after babies have died!

  4. Halak Hatah says:

    Did you worrywarts ever happen to stop and think that isnt Summer in every English speaking nation on earth? Several southern hemisphere nations are in late Autumn during the month of May.

    Likewise, not everyone is winter around New year.

    Furthermore a loose stitch in crochet allows a lot of airflow -my grandmother stitched several afghan blankets loosely and they are perfect for summer use.

    • Cindy says:

      That is so true, it is half off March here and at evenings and mornings it is still lightly freezing here…
      Better have it with you, you can always take it down, not everyone is dumb

  5. Catherine says:

    Wow… I live in Canada, and except for like two months of the year, it’s low double digits and even single digits, in Celsius. And on the coast is it so windy, When we were children our parents put plastic covers over our strollers….think about that for a while…

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