How To Easily Remove Labels From Glass Bottles


If you are a fan of DIY ideas, then you probably see a new project in many objects in your home. Mason jars can be perfect for all sorts of creative ideas and you should save them in case you have a great idea. But one of the troubles in re-using a mason jar can be its label, and the fact that it peels of in an ugly manner, leaving a sticky glue residue. Luckily, there is an easy way of getting rid of the leftover glue and you will only need to some baking soda and vegetable oil. Just apply a layer on the jar, after you removed any labels and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wipe the mixtures using a paper towel and your jar will be glue-free. This magic potion works very well and you don’t even need to get your hands dirty and sticky from the glue. You jar will be clean and you can start creating something beautiful and exciting out of it.





photo credit: That’s What che Said & One Good Thing by Jillee

9 Responses to “How To Easily Remove Labels From Glass Bottles”

  1. Anne TenDyke says:

    The text calls for baking soda, but the photo is of washing soda. Which is it?

  2. Trudy Stegen says:

    I use vinegar – it works really well. Just wash jar and apply vinegar with a vinegar damp cloth to left over label. Leave for a while and then peel off.

  3. Louise Morris says:

    Just put a blow dryer on the label and it will peel away instantly!

  4. Beamer Smith says:

    Confused.. not enough words.. Do you mix the oil and baking soda? what ratio? Is it one then the other? Do you remove the paper first and then do something else?

    C’mon, give me a hint.. 🙂

    Currently I just use lemon oil and it’s done, but I’m all for a more natural way

  5. Big Chit says:

    Nice instructions numb nuts…no ratio and the directions are far from clear.

    • Quizative says:

      The ratio isn’t that critical nor is the application. You can rub then oil on, let it sit a minute then rub the oil off with the baking soda or you can saturate the baking soda with the oil forming a paste. Rub the paste on, let it sit a few minutes then rub it off. The grit in the baking soda grinds away at the softened label and glue. Or you can buy a bottle of De-Sovit. Works better than goo gone and in about 2 minutes.

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