source: sonia-kot
Lovely tutorial, but I just wanted to inform you that somehow the text on this article is about eyebrow threading, not dreamcatchers. haha
I love this. And I would love to learn how. I have brain damage and am not real good at all this computer stuff. Lori, please include me in this. I have learned to crochet with wire. Clumbsyly, but As time passas I will become better at it.
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Lovely tutorial, but I just wanted to inform you that somehow the text on this article is about eyebrow threading, not dreamcatchers. haha
I love this. And I would love to learn how. I have brain damage and am not real good at all this computer stuff. Lori, please include me in this. I have learned to crochet with wire. Clumbsyly, but As time passas I will become better at it.
I am waiting anxiously for confirmation and permission.