How To Make A Cabbage Patch


Do you know those big dolls you played with when you were a child? They all had their hair made out of yarn and you used to brush them all day long, making them different hairstyles. If are planning a family dress-up for this Halloween and everyone has their costumes prepared only your child is missing one, take a look at this cute hat. The hat is all crocheted and looks like real hair. Your whole family can dress up as a big doll, just the one you loved so much in your childhood. You just need to pair this hat up with a cute outfit and your child is ready for Halloween. If you want to make the hat yourself, you can order the pattern from Etsy and start to crochet it at home. It costs $2,99 and you will receive a PDF file that contains the pattern of the cabbage patch hat. You can also make the hat larger enough to fit an adult’s head, so every member of your family can have its own cabbage patch hat. Also for those not have enough time to make one.. is the option to buy one ready made ​​.. here..



PDF file with instructions – Etsy

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