How to Make a DIY Compost Sifter EASY!

This DIY project shows how to build a trommel (rotary screen) for sifting compost or shredded leaves. The purpose of sifting is to separate coarse unfinished compost materials from the finished product or to separate out trash and debris from other organic materials before use in the garden. If you love gardening and tend to generate a lot of compost material, then a compost sifter is a must have! You can build your own compost sifter by following a few effortless steps, that are also stated on the following link.


Step 1: Materials

Materials needed:

1/2 inch hardware cloth
– two large surplus bicycle rims
– 4 rollers and bolts to attach
– a little over 8 feet of dimensional lumber
– misc. wires for connecting the hardware cloth to the rims

Step 2: Remove the Spokes From the Rims
Step 3: Cut the Hardware Cloth to Fit Inside the Rims
Step 4: Attach the Hardware Cloth to the Rims

Step 5: Build the Roller Box

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