Scrolling through Pinterest, I happened to see a pin featuring a topiary – it was a super cute Succulent Turtle! It was a dead-end pin, but I found who did this cute Succulent Turtle and now I share with you.
What you need to use to make a Succulent Turtle:
Step-by-step instructions from The Shade Gardener, HERE…
What is the head made of ? [email protected] it is very cute
I *think* they just shape the head out of chicken wire and stuff if with spanish moss. The same for the tail
That’s what it looks like
looks to me like its chicken wire and moss
I think its Sphagnum Moss.
see the instructions… explains clearly so no need to guess
What a cute idea!
Interested in all plant designs please
dobrý den ,ano prosím ,želvička je velmi zajímavá,ráda se přiučím -děkuji předem za inspirativní kousky –přeji hezký den !!
This is so awesome, I want to try to make it in my garden!!
I want to make this in my garden
I just saw this. A friend shared it and I think I can make one this spring if my succulents survive the crazy winter we’ve had. Thanks!! 🙂 Sharing on my Facebook too!!
This is so awesome I’m going to make a few tomorrow for my backyard where I have four turtle ponds with 7 turtles total and one tortoise( a tortoise is a turtle so make that 8) anyway thank you for the great DIY SUCCULENT turtle idea. It’s a real winner!!!!! I’ll let you know how mine turns out. It’s going to look good in my backyard.
id love see pics when u get it finished if u could thanks
As an animal behaviorist, reading the comment “a tortoise is a turtle” gave me an aneurysm
How much/ often do you water?
How can become a member of this sight please email me thank you
Technically its a tortoise, turtles have flippers, tortoise have feet.
Thanks for the info, not wondering anymore. Haha
How do you attach the legs to the basket?? I love this Idea.
I’m not sure you need to attach the legs to the turtle. You could just set the turtle on top of them. But I’m not sure how you’d get the moss to attach to the legs?
There’s a link that gives you step by step –
It tells you in the instructions to connect the pots(feet) with wire and a washer inside the pot.
After fixing the legs to the body using the chicken wire, attach the moss initially by hot gluing it to the clay legs and body of wire. Once the first layer if moss is down other layers will grow and be added naturally as you pin-up future succulents to begin growing to the turtle and to each other… Good Luck
Box turtles don’t have flippers…
How about the winter, I’m in Canada
I am going to try and make this for a dear friend as a house warming gift. I love this!
I made one and everyone loves it. One change that I would do next time or I might change this one is to make a solid bottom rather than a chicken wire one. Even though i packed it with moss dirt continues to seap out.
I made your cute succulent turtle. I even soaked it the entire turtle overnight before planting the succulents. Today it is looking a bit limp and dry. I don’t think I did it right, even though I followed the video step by step. What do you suggest I do next?. I fear the plants are not going to make it. I live in Central Texas where th e temperature has bee steadily in the mid 80’s. It is in the shade on my covered patio. Thank you for your input. MIKI BARHO
If you add those water retaining beads to the soil before you put it into your topiary, they help hold water for the plants. You can add them dry – it’s easier to mix them into the potting medium this way – or you can pre-soak them for a while and add them in – they are like jello marbles when you do that.
then you can soak your topiary in water, the beads absorb a lot of water and then release it slowly to the plants.
You can find small jars of the pre-soaked beads at the Dollar Tree, or packs of dry beads at many craft stores, like Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, or JoAnn’s. Some garden centers carry them, and you can order them from Amazon.
I love this little turtle! I’ve tried a number of different succulent projects; some successful, some not. After reading all the above, for the turtle I’ll use burlap against the chicken wire. Ideally, weed clothe, but I don’t want to buy a roll just for one round piece. Another thought is plastic. Put a piece of plastic garbage bag against the chicken wire and poke holes in it for drainage. Yes. . . a plan and a weekend ahead!
il y a des tortues terrestes qui ont bel et bien des jambes
Is there soil in the planter? Are there written directions available?
Ohh I have to make these Soso cute
My son, Sawyer was 9 when he died following a heart transplant. He loved turtles. I’m making a couple of these in his memory.
They are a cactus. If watered 2 much, they get yellow and rot. I had to remove dirt, fill back up with sand. Now with good drainage mine are growing like crazy. I wonder what us inside the turtle, mud & sand mix?
thanks Kim, I think you are right, plus I have been worrying over the little things and must have over watered…
thanks again!
I’m having a really hard time making the neck and head!! Any elocution ideas?
Love this!
I love this idea, I live in the NJ will this planter be able to stay outside in our cold winters? Zone 7
Use a piece of screen material instead.
I’d REALLY like picture directions how to do the bottom of the turtle basket, and how to attach the feet, HELP!!
Thanks for sharing. This is gorgeous. I’m going to try to make one of these.
Positively delightful! Can’t wait to add one to my garden!
Could i get cimplete directions e.ailed to me. I would love to make this as i love turtles. Thank you
OMG!! I’m so in love with these! Need a few out front!! My turtles are out back, fenced in for their safety.
love the look of this but think I will try making it out of the artificial succulents . I’ve been collecting them for this , and they do look so real . I don’t do real plants , they never thrive . Ill get some of the moss from Dollar tree for it also .
I can’t wait to make turtles. A lot of them .
I would like to know what gardens or botanical gardens these were found