Impressive Ranch in the Heart of Wood River Valley


If you sought for an impressive ranch in Idaho, stop the searches! You’ve reached the right place to find out and see more about a bold structure in the heart of Wood River Valley. Pioneer Moon Ranch is a wonderful retreat which can bring you back to the days of glory of America. An actual dream home, the 5.000 square feet property will amaze you with its slick and modern design. Although wood is predominant throughout the two main structures, stone accents and contemporary furniture act as the trigger for luxury in the overall rustic aspect. The lighting was very creatively positioned, in order to create an intimate but highly useful system. The appliances in the kitchens are modern and functioning at their best level.


The multi-million price tag could be quite the turn-off, but the position of the construction makes the statement `nature is your backyard` almost entirely true. Spectacular views can only be complimented by some great hiking adventures through the surroundings. Have a great holiday or change your life completely by moving into this luxurious estate. Equipped with 3 garages and a handmade custom entrance, the Moon Ranch is a unique home which will make living in the countryside an absolute delight!

ranch-outdoor design



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