Keep Your Cat Safe and Happy With “Catio Spaces”


Living in a house and having a cat can make it difficult for you to keep your pet indoors. Apartment cats are different from house cats, as the space available to them is different, so house cats might be tempted to go outdoors. But that’s not very safe, as they are lots of cars and other animals on the streets and your cat’s life can be in danger. To protect your cat, you can build a Catio, which is an enclosed cat patio that will work as a safe place for your pet. This way you can still let your cat enjoy the outdoor space, but also keep her safe from predators. To learn more about the Catio and how to build one, check the details at the end of the article. We just love this clever cat patio idea! Safe Outdoor Enclosures for a Happy and Healthy Cat


“Our goal is to keep your cat safe and happy in an outdoor enclosure that visually complements your home.”






  • Teresa Rose on said:

    Please can you send me a quote for an outdoor enclosure for my cats, similar to the one on the first picture. We have a back deck (I can send you a picture of the deck). The measurement is about 12′ x 12′ and the house is located in Hendersonville, NC.

    Please respond to my email: [email protected]


  • Jane Needham on said:

    If you need to get a cage,don’t get a cat! Cats should go outside…get a guinea pig or better still make a pet out of a ball of wool and some stick on eyes…perfect!

    • The Truth on said:

      Outdoor cats have a life expectancy of 5 years, while indoor cats live closer to 15. Pets are pets, not wild animals and they should be cared for responsibly. Outdoor cats are much more likely to be injured or hit by a car, attacked by coyotes, owls or other cats or dogs, or to be accidentally poisoned by toxic liquids and chemicals left outside by humans. Not to mention the number of birds, frogs, lizards that they will torture/destroy. For the really irresponsible pet owner who fails to spay/neuter their cat, they will likely end up with a litter of kittens and/or a feral colony in their neighborhood.

      It’s pretty simple though, be a RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER.

      • I’m 60 yrs. old and have had indoor/ outdoor cats all my life. I’ve not lost one from anything by letting them outside. You say their life expectancy is 5 yrs? I wonder why I have a 17 13 and 12 yr. old? They are healthy, slim and muscular. Not once have I had any issues like spraying , scratching up furniture, peeing and pooping in weird places or any of the mental issues that come from indoor only cats !

        • Sue on said:

          I had an indoor/outdoor cat. We lived in a wooded area. One day her collar was found at the base of a tree holding an owl’s nest. She never came back. Bad things can happen to outdoor cats. That doesn’t mean that all cats that go outdoors will have something bad happen. But it does mean that there is a much higher chance of having something bad happen. And an average life expectancy means that on average, they live a much shorter life, though not all will. The cat mentioned above was only 2 when I lost her. Some will live longer, some won’t be lucky enough to make it to 5. We also had an indoor/outdoor cat that was 23 years old. It’s an average. The point is, be a responsible pet owner. Having an enclosure like this would be perfect for my current cat as he is very afraid of going outside. He might feel more comfortable with something like this.

        • Adrian on said:

          You say that with sarcasm. Fortunately you. I would let my Squeaky out because I know it’s his nature. He was my first cat. His mom left him under my deck. He couldn’t have been more than a few days old (they said). We had 3 1/2 wonderful years. The last night I let him out when I arrived home, he went out at 9pm. At midnight, my mind said, “go call Squeaky in” but, I said, “na, he likes it out there; I’ll let him stay a little bit longer” at approximately 12:30am I head Squeaky belt out an eerie screech, like when I nearly step on him. I ran down the stair and flew out the door. I searched and it began to rain. I searched for hours…calling. Praying, “God, just let me find his fur so that I can give him a proper burial” 2 years later…no Squeaky. He loved me; if he was a live he would have come back to me. I worked at Purina so I had a constant reminder; needless to say, I sobbed daily for at least 6 months straight. The UPS guy felt sorry for me so, one day he stopped by and informed me of a customer that found some kittens, and asked if he could give her my number. I was still hurting and didn’t want to get close to anything else again but, reluctantly I went and got two of the three. She didn’t let me get them until they were already 5 weeks (they had bonded with her). I love them but not to the extent of Squeaky. I wish I had never let him out that night.

      • rdmoe on said:

        my outdoor cat lived 18 yrs while my indoor cat lived 14 yrs. I was told by a vet that outdoor cats live longer because they get more exercise. makes since to me.

      • Sharon on said:

        You might be surprised. I have had indoor and outdoor cats but don’t find the death rate on the outdoors to be much higher than indoors. I have a large cat who is having some emotional problems. The vet says that I am depriving her of her “catness” by keeping her inside. I have not brought myself to put her outside yet but am thinking about a catio. they are safer inside but are they happier would be my question.

    • Wanda Majeski on said:

      Good day, Jane Needham,
      I am sorry you feel that way. We have a home and our cats love going outside into the large screened-in patio where people like to sit and have a cup of coffee or soda and enjoy the outside too without having to deal with flies or mosquitos.

      Our friends built a large kitty tree with shelves and added shelves of various levels all around that patio so they all can climb and have fun watching the squirrels and birds safely. We have coyotes, hawks, and barn owls that pick off the cats when they can. NOT fun watching a free roaming neighbor’s cat being carted off as it hangs limply in the jaws of a hungry coyote or the sharp talons a hungry hawk or owl!
      I prefer to have our pets safe and happy. Our kitties can come in or out at will thru their kitty door and usually come in and sleep with our family at night.

      They get a lot of exercise chasing each other and playing with their toys and definitely enjoy climbing up high to survey the world outside on the sturdy shelves.

      • rdmoe on said:

        sounds like a wonderful place for your cats and kittens to go… wish I had thought of something like this when I had cats.

    • So I guess my blind cat I should have let been put down?? Or just let him go outside and fend for himself?? He loves to be able to go outside a feel the fresh air, but not always an option!!! This is perfect and can’t wait to be able to have one!!

    • Valerie Fouladian on said:

      It’s not a cage!! When a cat is allowed to run free outside, it’s vulnerable to so many things that can do it harm. Cars, raccoons, coyotes, poison, cruel people, ticks, fights with other cats, dogs, rabies, poisoned rodents, and so many other things like diseases. Having an outdoor in closure keeps them somewhat safe and they can sit in the sun and smell the breeze and watch the wildlife.
      I really don’t understand people that think it’s mean to keep a cat inside. If you provide the right environment for playing, climbing and window seats for them to watch the outside – they can be happy and healthy. I had a neighbor tell me I was cruel for trapping my cats inside. He said they should only be outside. When I told him of the dangers……he said “That’s nature”….NO….it is not, if you don’t protect your cat – a member of the family, thinking – oh well, that’s nature if they die……then you are irresponsible and shouldn’t have a cat or you don’t know better and need to learn what the risks are. They are fragile DOMESTICATED creatures in a big world and you should do what you can to keep them safe.

    • So you just let your cats run the neighbor hood and shit on other peoples property? That cat would be trapped and taken to the animal pound if I caught it…

  • It’s not about being able to let your cat outside, it’s about being a responsible pet owner.

    Cats kill thousands of native fauna per year and having a “catio” allows our native fauna to be protected.

    I would say if you own a cat and you are letting it roam around outside then perhaps a ball of wool would be a better pet.

  • Amanda on said:

    Cats should not be allowed outside. For one they are murderous as all hell. And secondly there are ALL sorts of things harmful to cats. My oldest got hit by two cars a couple years ago. He is strictly an on leash cat only now.

  • You tell her Zoe! Not to mention needing to protect our cats from humans who aren’t so happy they are roaming outside. People purposely run over, trap, poison, shoot, etc. “loose” cats in the country and in the city where are they going to roam exactly?

  • please send a quote for a back porch that is 6x 8 , will need a 2ft then 8ft and 6ft no top covered porch and is 6.5 high only need three sides

  • Gayla on said:

    And the life expectancy for a outdoor cat isn’t very long. Run over, poisoned or killed by preditors. My indoor cats are healthy and 8 & 9 years old.

  • Well said and adding to the number of other cats going to the toilet in your neighbours gardens!!! you wouldn’t allow your dogs to roam about alone, I don’t see the difference.

  • I think it’s a brilliant idea! One we are looking into for our beautiful cat!! Outside cats either get into fights;get diseases or become road kill” This way these beautiful creatures have the outdoors but are safe!!!

  • kylee on said:

    Keeping your cats inside is too keep them safe from things like cars, other people, certain diseases, predator animals, getting lost, not to restrict them from anything

  • Ive had cats for 50yrs, free roaming, only a couple succumbed to the nearby road, the others lived to be between 15 & 21yrs! I class myself as. Responsible pet owner also. I don’t have predators to deal with here in the UK fortunately else my cats would have a catio. It’s about giving them the right environment for them and ensuring theyre safe x

  • Rowena on said:

    How ridiculous to say to be a responsible cat owner you should keep them in a cage and that they they’ll live longer. I’ve had cats all my life, all free roaming, one lived to the grand old age of 21 and still enjoyed his freedom. Get a rabbit or something similar if you want a caged animal not a cat, that’s downright cruel!

  • I’d love to let my cats out, but it all depends on the neighborhood. My cats (previous ones) have been shot at, injured by cruel teenagers, chased by big dogs and hit by cars.The calico cage sounds like a super idea to let them experience the outdoors and protect them. Plus, many towns have a leash law for dogs And cats now. I’m keeping them safe!

  • I have three cats ranging from 15 to 17 years old. All fixed, vaccinated and with Bluetooth trackers. They are all indoor-outdoor cats…. as formerly feral cats they are not happy indoor only. They sleep on my bed every night. They do a great job of keeping the neighbourhood rat population down also. That being said, I would like to get another kitten in the next 2 years and would like to keep the kitten indoors or on leash. I plan to build a catio,l at the side of the house encompassing the garden, both for my aging seniors who don’t move as quickly as they once did and to keep a new kitten safer. Not all cats are suitable for indoor only existence and this would be a nice retirement present for my old boys. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • no cats do not belong outside. if you want to keep your cats safe from predadors, evil kids, and cars. this is a great idea. plus it saves the wild birds

  • Linda on said:

    The comments here are hilarious!! Especially the ones condemning the cats for having the gall… the unmidigated gall… to act upon their predator instincts… ****gasp***. Cats hunt. They can’t WILLFULLY not do that. I love the cat enclosures.. and I think I’ll build one for my old gal.

    • Sharon on said:

      Trying to find a way to satisfy my cat’s predator urges (other than I) yet keep her safe and out of neighbor’s yards. This might be a good idea.

  • It’s not about “denying cats a chance to act upon their predator instincts. It’s about saving millions of songbirds. Cats hunt, yes – even when not hungry, for Fun. And they kill an estimated 1.2 million birds a year, many of which are already endangered by habitat loss and chemicals. Get a clue.

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