Learn how to grow cucumbers vertically to get the most productive plant

Gardening isn’t just an activity reserved for persons with large backyards. Even though this is well-known throughout, a lot of people are discouraged for trying new projects in this field. The suggestion of growing cucumbers vertically might be just the right change in people’s mindset. It is good even if you only own a small amount of land, like a narrow side yard. The cucumber plant can spread in a large area when it is grown on rows or hills. A raised bed or a tall trellis will help you with the matter of space. It is preferred you use 12 inch deep and 12 inch wide containers in this DIY project. The soil involved should be loose and deep, well-drained, and neutral in pH. Also, make sure it is rich in organic matter. The right temperature to properly grow cucumbers is between 60 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (15 – 35 Celsius). Follow the instructions on the next videos and easily grow your cucumbers vertically!

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Choose the right kind of cucumber. Varieties that are well-suited for vertical growing include the Bush Champion, Spacemaster, Hybrid Bush Crop, Baby Bush, Bush Pickle, and Potluck.

Select a large pot. The pot should be a minimum of 12 inches in both diameter and depth.

Make sure your pot has drainage holes.

Use a good quality potting mix or potting soil. Combine equal parts potting soil, perlite, sphagnum peat moss, and compost for a simple yet beneficial blend.
Add a good fertilizer into the soil mix to provide your plants with an additional boost in nutrition.


  • karelina resnick on said:

    You suggested using some kind of precut wood for your posts, but I didn’t get what you were saying. Could you add the info to the description?

  • Marco on said:

    He was only saying that the precut ones he’s showing come with a point so they are easier to stab into the ground and you want ones that are long enough to go 1ft underground and still have enough sticking up to support the shelving units

  • Mike the Gardener on said:

    I love growing a lot of cucumbers. I have a cucumber trellis similar to the photo, 2nd from last, where it is a simple square structure with fencing as the means for the cucumber tendrils to latch on to as they make their way up.

    My favorite climbing cucumber to grow are straight 8’s. I have recently found that through some basic research that straight 8 cucumbers are also one of the most popular varieties of cucumbers grown in a home vegetable garden, at least here in America.

    The seeds are inexpensive (roughly $1.29 for 50 to 100 of them), and they are quick growers.

    Anyone of the trellises shown in the article will work great for straight 8 cucumbers (and other varieties of course. If you are growing a bush variety, keep in mind some of them usually vine also, just not as tall at straight 8’s, so you can get away with using a tomato cage as a trellis. They work great.

    Anyway that’s my 2 cents.

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