Lego is finally making its iconic bricks from recycled plastic

Lego is producing a lot of plastic that will eventually end up as waste and contribute to global pollution. But the company is finally taking steps towards becoming more sustainable and has revealed its prototype for Lego bricks made entirely of recycled plastic.

The product is not yet available for purchase, but the company announced that the prototypes have passed their strict quality assurance requirements and they will prepare for production.
The new, sustainable bricks will be made from plastic that comes from recycled bottles, and a single one-liter bottle can produce ten 2 x 4 Lego bricks.
This is truly an innovation and a next step for the company to become a sustainable business and even encourage other large corporations to follow in their footsteps.
There is still more testing to be done regarding these new types of Lego bricks, but the company will release an official statement as soon as they will be available in shops worldwide.

The LEGO Group reveals first prototype LEGO brick made from recycled plastic

The new prototype is made using polyethylene terephthalate (PET) recycled from bottles that have been thrown away. According to a statement from the company, scientists and engineers tested over 250 variations of PET materials, as well as hundreds of other plastic formulations, before nailing down the latest prototype. says cbsnews

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