Mom makes ‘hug time’ device so her kids can give Nana a hug

A mom in Illinois came up with a way for her kids to hug their Nana while doing their best to keep her safe.

Carly Marinaro created a “hug time” device which would allow her children to wrap their arms around their Nana. She says she came up with the idea after seeing a similar video online where people wore plastic bags.

“Nana has been longing to hug her babies,” Marinaro said.

Marinaro shared instructions for how she made the device on her Facebook page.

3 X 7’ PVC 1 1/2” Ace cut them for me
4 X 3’ PVC 1 1/2” Ace cut them for me
2 X elbow piece
2 X T shaped piece
1 window insulator kit for sliding glass door
1 duct tape roll for all joints and edges
1 pack livestock disposable gloves @Blain’s


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