Old Push Cart Tucked Turned Into A Mobile Planner / Journaling Center

mobile-planner -journaling-center

Organizing your stuff, whether it’s your crafting tools or your documents, shouldn’t be an intricate process. Tools are available for you to use in this regard. Don’t despair if you haven’t got what you need, just make it yourself with what you have around the home. The DIY community is here to help you with the process. Making a mobile organizer which you can push around the house, according to where you’re working at the moment or where you feel more inspired at a certain point. The DIY project actually involves transforming an old push cart and giving it a brand new life helping you organize your stuff. For starters, check to see if the wheels are functioning optimally. Then grab a couple cans of pink spray paint and begin. You can opt to add some containers in the cart so everything is even more neatly organized. Read the entire tutorial provided by Sew Crafty Angel, may be a good source of inspiration for your next homemade DIY project.


Mobile Planner / Journaling Center – Tutorial by Sew Crafty Angel

1 Comment

  • Hey mate, really love your researches and articles, would you mind if I include some of them in my own work, with quotes of course? Thanks in advance…

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