A modern apartment from Bratislava needed a complete renovation, but the owners didn’t want to compromise on the design for space issues. If you find yourself in a similar position, take the work of Slovakian RULES architekti as an example. The 51 m2 residence’s lack of storage was handled by choosing a minimalistic design. You can notice this in the living area, where a pull-out desk replaces a regular one, or the coffee table which has a pull-out compartment underneath it. Continue reading “Modern Apartment Design With LED Lighting” »
How To Make A Treasure Chest Cooler
Don’t know how to improve your road trip? Here is a nice idea we think you might like: transform your ordinary cooler into a DIY treasure chest cooler! This particular type of cooler we are about to show you is perfect for trips to the beach, where a pirate theme is always suitable. The chest cooler not that heavy as it looks, but you might want to install handles on it for when you need to go on a picnic and the cooler must hold all of your beers and meat at a chilly temperature. Continue reading “How To Make A Treasure Chest Cooler” »
DIY Flagstone Path Tutorial
Having a nice path in your garden can make a big difference. It is the first thing you see before entering a garden and can raise big expectations. That’s why a nice and clean pathway is really important, it reflects the outlook of the whole garden. You can make this pathway curvy or straight and add different kinds of decorations to it. To make a really nice flagstone pathway, Continue reading “DIY Flagstone Path Tutorial” »
Duplex Dog House
People aren’t the only ones who need space and style in their residence. A proper pampered pet needs a proper luxurious home as well. A duplex for those dog lovers who own 2 dogs, can be a good choice, and also can give a great aspect to your backyard. Made from redwood timber, this duplex provide a spacious place in which they could rest during Continue reading “Duplex Dog House” »
DIY Cute Owl Cake
When you first see those cute animal or cartoon character shaped cakes, you might think a sculptor or another great artist might have been involved in the baking process. The truth behind works of gastronomical art like these is a good use of geometrical spacing and shaping. We will gladly show you just how easy it is to make an adorable owl cake, suited for any baby shower or children birthday, Continue reading “DIY Cute Owl Cake” »
Art of Gardening: Amazing Green Dragon Hedge
A rich grown bush will get you in the local news for sure. But fashioning it into a majestic figure or character will get you fame across the internet beside the local word-of-mouth. John Brooker managed to trim his 20-feet high hedge into an artistic dragon and in the process succeeded to enroll it in the list of wonderful garden designs. What started like an ordinary cleaning activity around the yard, Brooker, a senior white-bearded man, took his time to design something unique in the Continue reading “Art of Gardening: Amazing Green Dragon Hedge” »
DIY Backyard Buried Fountain
Many persons considers that a fountain in the garden can contribute to an amazing aspect.. Even though many might think that the maintenance give you troubles, if done correctly you need not worry. A buried fountain for your garden that you could make your own can bring elegance and style to the overall design. Although some materials will cost a bit more (like cables and the water installation) the overall investment in this DIY project will prove worthy in the end. Continue reading “DIY Backyard Buried Fountain” »
DIY Covered Greenhouse Garden
If you’re as careful with your garden design as you are with your own wardrobe, then you might take a look on this nifty project. A DIY solution can help you a lot with your gardening, so we found the perfect Covered Greenhouse Garden you could make right at home. The building process is fairly simple and the materials needed are easy to find… Continue reading “DIY Covered Greenhouse Garden” »
DIY Teardrop Camping Trailer
From a certain age, camping directly under the moonlight seems a bit uncomfortable. Even a tent starts to become outdated after a bunch of uses in the wild, especially when you are accustomed to a cozy home. But if you have the opportunity and will power, try and make a teardrop trailer for your use. The 4 by 8 feet trailer began to be popular in the 30s. Its light weight and room for two persons Continue reading “DIY Teardrop Camping Trailer” »