Pick Up Litter and Get Free Stuff in Copenhagen This Summer Through Eco-Conscious Rewards Program

Copenhagen is setting a new benchmark for sustainable tourism with its innovative Eco-Conscious Rewards Program, designed to attract eco-minded visitors this summer. As the largest tourist season on record sees cities in Italy, France, and Spain grappling with overwhelming crowds and implementing stricter controls, Copenhagen offers a refreshing alternative. This Danish capital encourages tourists to engage in eco-friendly behaviors, rewarding them with credits redeemable for public transport, attraction entrances, and more. Visitors can earn these rewards by participating in activities such as picking up litter, using zero-emissions transport, or volunteering for short stints, making Copenhagen an ideal destination for those looking to enjoy a green vacation.

The program, aptly named CopenPay, is a month-long trial running from July 12th to August 11th. It involves a range of local businesses, from cafes offering free lunches to museums providing complimentary entries, all marked on a GPS map available on the program’s website. The trust-based initiative has already seen enthusiastic participation from over two dozen firms in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Rikke Holm Petersen, the tourist board’s communications chief, expresses optimism about the program’s potential impact, hoping that visitors will leave with not just memories, but a greener mindset as their ultimate souvenir. Through CopenPay, Copenhagen is inviting tourists to contribute to its sustainability goals while enjoying their stay, creating a win-win scenario for the environment and the economy.

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