Plastic Bottle Cutter: Reuse And Recycle Plastic Bottles Of All Kinds


I found this concept device on Kickstarter and I thought it useful to share with you. The absolutely astonishing amount of plastic bottles that everyone uses and throws into the garbage can every day is truly impressive. This represents an economic waste, since the plastic of bottles is a commodity that is worth money and can be reused. Also, from an ecological perspective, this poses several problems.
Pavel & Ian developed “Plastic Bottle Cutter”, that is a smart pocket-size tool with which you can very easily cut any plastic bottle – of juice, soda or other – into a fine plastic rope that can be used for just about as many purposes as you can think of.





more details on Kickstarter

19 Responses to “Plastic Bottle Cutter: Reuse And Recycle Plastic Bottles Of All Kinds”

  1. KARL ATKINS says:

    I would be interested in buying one

  2. sangeetha says:

    Hi Goodshomedesign,

    I am amazed to see this plastic cutter. It would be great if you could share how to make this cutter or help to buy from you. Since i am from a developing country this will help my community to better reuse the resources in most maximum ways.

    I hope you will help me in this regards.

    Thank you!


  3. Farid says:

    i like to know how to buy this plastic bottle cutter ? and what is a price ? i live in pakistan how i get it ?


    waiting your reply

    Farid Irshad

  4. patty says:

    Where can you buy plastic bottle cutter ??

  5. celeste bouffiou says:

    i would also like to purchase one. can you send me more info on where
    I can do this.

  6. Jaqueline andrade says:

    I love to have one how can I buy one ?

  7. Dawn Beazley says:

    I want to buy one please

  8. Anu says:

    Where can you buy plastic bottle cutter


  9. A P PATIL says:

    i want cutter

  10. Ellen Egan says:

    I would like to purchase a couple of these. Where can I get one?

  11. Pam says:

    I would love to have one

  12. Glemar Rada says:

    I want to buy this one for our livelihood project.. where can I buy this cuttet?

  13. Missy Villa says:

    I want to buy one

  14. Jason Pohl says:

    Can I get one?

  15. Aliyu says:

    I need this machine

  16. Pradeep says:

    I want to buy one

  17. Norma Lozoya says:

    Me interesa adquirir este artículo, información por favor

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