The war in Syria left a lot of people displaced and the refugee crisis is becoming one of the most pressing problems of the last 5 years.
Abeer Seikaly, is an award-winning architect and designer, who designed a smart refugee tent that collects rainwater and stores solar energy.
The project is called Weaving a home and its positive impact will be huge on the community of refugees across the globe. Seikaly is a Jordanian-Canadian designer, who was emotionally affected by the horrors of the Syrian war and could not stand by without helping somehow.
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Where can I buy this tend in Europe? How much does it cost?
Well done,Thank you!!
The aesthetics of this design is awesome. I would love to have some at our seasonal whale watching camp in Mexico. Should real life models ever get built I want one
Innovative design save labour of water carrying from far places
Hello, i am interested on your tends. Please give to me information’s about size,(one or more sizes ?) your best prize for one ,10,20 pieces. What material.
Waiting to your reply.
Best regards
Babis Kalakis
Phone ++30 26450 29604 mob. ++30 6976900704
How do I buy tent