This Magical “SkyWalk” Bridge Lets You Wander Through The Tree Tops In Tennessee

Have you ever dreamt of walking on trees and seeing the world from above? You can get closer to this dream by taking a walk on this magical “SkyWalk” bridge in Tennessee.

The bridge was completed in May last year and can be found in The Smokey Mountain range of the Appalachian Mountains. The place is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the bridge is part of a 20-minute round trip that will end with you reaching the top of Crockett Mountain. The bridge has such an amazing structure and it’s beautifully lit so you can enjoy a romantic walk in the evening and stargazing at night.
There are also a lot of chairs and decks along the way and you can take a rest and enjoy the view if you feel like it. The interesting thing is that bridge is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in North America and has a length of 680 feet and reaches a height of 140 feet.
It is a truly unique experience so if you feel like going on an adventure in nature, it would be one of the best choices in the North America mountain area.


One Response to “This Magical “SkyWalk” Bridge Lets You Wander Through The Tree Tops In Tennessee”

  1. Debbie hodge says:

    Please tell me what website I can find these bridges at?

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