Stone Cottage Design Inspired by ‘The Hobbit’


Are you a fan of The Hobbit series and of J. R. R. Tolkien? If the answer is yes, you are going to love this next design. The Hobbit House was created by a company located in Pennsylvania, called Archer and Buchanan and they managed to recreate the entire house from the popular firm series. As you can tell just by a look, the owner is a huge fan of The Hobbit and the talented architects managed to build him the house of his dreams. Each and every detail is carefully executed, but the most eye-catching one is the circular door. This particular piece took a lot more time to make, as it was first estimated as no craftsmen seemed to be suitable for the task. Luckily, the architects have found an open minded ironworker, who able to create the perfect door. Take a look at the pictures to convince yourself of the genius of Archer and Buchanan and to discover all the hidden treasures of the house. Sadly, no one is going to live inside the Hobbit House as it will host the owner’s collection of Tolkien collectibles.













36 Responses to “Stone Cottage Design Inspired by ‘The Hobbit’”

  1. Random college graduate says:

    What no comments! R u kidding me!!!!

    That study ROCKS! 🙂

    picture 10 is awesome, dunno about trickle treat if you’re not a fan of the film.

  2. andreas marcellus says:

    very nice building

  3. Terry says:

    I WANT it!!!! Oh to have money…

  4. Dottie says:

    I would live in it. The stonework is wonderful. As another commenter stated, “Oh, to have money!”

  5. T says:

    WHAT A SHAME no one will live in it! It is the best place I have ever seen. I could spend the rest of my days there!

  6. Nancy says:

    OMG, this is totally gorgeous!! My husband wants to build another house, and this is the only way he’d ever get me out of our present home that he built 32 years ago. I LOVE this!!! I’d love to find plans??

    • Deb says:

      Take a look at They have a book you can order with very similar styles of homes with floor plans. Small and large homes with floor plans. I agree with you. I’d love a home like this!

  7. Hippiechick says:

    Amazing!! I love the series and the movies, this little.piece of Hobbiton rocks!

  8. Marise says:

    This is nice BUT don’t you think you could have done something more humanitarian if you has so much money to blow?? Self gratification won’t get you into heaven

  9. John says:

    Love it all but I would really love to have that round window !

  10. Cindy Grayson says:

    Oh, heck yes! I’m a short person and an artist and musician. This house is right down my ally and if I could, I’d build one in my woods! Amazing!i would love it!!!!!

  11. Kim says:

    Would ❤ ❤ ❤ to live there if I can make it in and out the Hobbit sized door!

  12. Wands says:

    I love it but it would need to be built taller and bigger. Can’t stoop over for to long at a time

  13. Mick says:

    Now if it was under ground like a proper smials I would consider it

  14. Steve says:

    While it looks absolutely amazing, I’m 6’1″ and would probably brain myself to death

  15. Page H Hunter says:

    What an amazing labor of love. The stonework alone makes me weep with its beauty.

  16. Unknown Hobbit says:

    I wish I had money to build an amazing house to not live in. What do these people do for a living?!

  17. CatMit says:

    Yes, to have the money. It is wonderful! I would live in it – not gonna move to Pennsylvania, though.

  18. TennesseeSunshine says:

    Absotively, Posilutely the ultimate home! If blessed with the finances, I would definately build and live in it!

  19. ERM says:

    its just a house… its not anything spectacular.. it mighta taken a lot of time and effort.. but it is still just a house with a round door

  20. Celtcgrrl says:

    It is such a shame they won’t let people stay here. Imagine being a super rich dude/lady that created such a thing for people with terminal illnesses to visit or something. Now that would be freaking cool.

  21. I love this!!!!! If you want to stay in a “real” hobbithouse come to i sweden.
    More hobbit to the People:-)

  22. Oh…this cozy place is meant for me…so my style that warms the heart and soul !!!❤

  23. Marie says:

    I wonder if he will have it to show. Would love to go through it.. beautiful.

  24. Lucy says:

    I love this I am a huge fan of this builder of this home.

  25. Robyn C Muller says:

    The wood details in this home is outstanding, no doubt about it. Absolutely beautiful.

  26. Donna says:

    I would love to live in a place just like the hobbit house my family tradtion

  27. Jayne DonVito says:

    The fittings for the round window are brilliant!

    Stout wood up the center, beautiful decorative hinge in the middle and discreet ones at top and bottom, so the two sides of the window open out like butterfly wings. Truly impressive iron work.

  28. Mary Beth Henkel says:

    Is so grand,yet peaceful and serene.Very inspiring,not only the home,but the outside surroyndings. I have dreamt of going away to a quiet,place like that,full of beauty,peacefulness,to relax,enjoy,and to do my writing. As a place and home such as that,is so inspiring! I would absolutely get my books of poetry put together,as well as write my entire book. YEP,DREAMIG BIG, BUT NO OTHER WAY TO DREAM. I will one day finish,just not in such an awesome inspirational home or surroundings as that!

  29. Vashti Ataya says:

    I would build one to a human scale. Big enough to live in. I absolutely LOVE this. The workmanship is beyond awesome. Everything looks well and wondrousky made. Besutiful!

  30. Teresa Kenyon says:

    I love this house and it would definitely be my forever home. I live only an hour from Hobbiton and am a huge fan.

  31. Chris says:

    Absolutely gorgeous home !! I would love to live in that house

  32. ann says:

    Nancy Google “Archer and Buchanan” Architects in Pa.

  33. Terry says:

    Awesome. Love that study also. Seems so comfy

  34. Alva says:

    I have always loved Rock homes or stone homes and this just stole my heart! I think I better get busy and try to win that Lottery LOL!

  35. Josie kokorsch says:

    I love ! Everything About it is gorgeous. Could live there in a heart beat.

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