Turn one of Daddy’s Shirts Into A Dress For A Little Girl
In many cases a shirt can be more than just a shirt, as you can transform it into something new. For example, you can use an old dad shirt to make a beautiful dress for your little girl in a few minutes. This one is a very simple project and you can make it even if you are a beginner ...

Smooth Bed For Cats
Cats like soft and cozy places where no one bothers them and can cuddle all day long. There are plenty of cat beds you can choose from at a pet store, but if you prefer to make your own one, you should try this next tutorial. You will need the following materials: elastic fabric of ...

DIY Cute Snail Pillow
Making a pillow is very easy, as you only need some guiding and cute materials. You don’t even need to have very advanced sewing skills, as you will need to use the sewing machine for only a short period. If you want your pillows to look cute or have a funny shape, search for ...

Various Ways To Reuse An Old Sewing Machine
Redecorating your home entails an effort of creativity and a well thought design ahead of any other planning. You could opt for the easy route and just shop for a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture from any design inclined store. But you don’t have to do that. There are plenty ...