Window Shelves For Plants
Its PERFECT! I am so in love with how sturdy this is and how beautifully made it is. It makes my space so warm and inviting! I put this in my kitchen window for herbs.
Indoor gardens, succulent displays, plant propagation, cuttings, and personal artifacts like pictures or items combine ...

You Can Install This Bird Feeder In Your Window And Watch The Birds Come!
Who doesn’t love watching birds feed up close?! It’s relaxing, majestic, and a super fun activity to do with the kids! Designed to sit inside the house, this feeder is easy to install and offers an extra-large viewing area.

Neat idea for kitchen window!
Choosing the best kitchen window for your house can make a huge difference…can enhance the room with more natural light, a beautiful view and fresh air.

It’s not the doors, the rooftop or the architectural decorations that make a house unique. What makes a place really comfortable to live in, are those little spots between the main rooms, that a visitor might overlook, but who lives there definitely loves to show off. You can transform ...