These Roses Grow With Both Red and White Petals

Roses are beautiful and can be found in over 150 species, each more delicate and perfumed than the other. There are so many rose species as a lot of hybrids came to existence after horticulturalists started experimenting in create unique flowers.
One amazing result of these experiments is the Osiria rose that can be easily recognized after its red petals and white center that pops out from the rest.
The Osiria rose originated in Germany in 1978 where it was first propagated by Reimer Kordes and nowadays is among the most popular choice for romantic bouquets.
Although lots of pictures of this specific rose are Photoshopped to make it look even more vibrating, the Osiria rose is still one of the most beautiful rose species and it is trending on the Internet. If you would like to plant this species in your garden, you’ll have to know some details about caring for it as insects are prone to attack it and can catch certain diseases, such as powdery mildew. Take a look at the images, to learn more about this majestic rose species.

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