Tiny House Build for $420 Made from Recycled Materials


The eternal question when looking for a new home is: who can i be sure that i made the right choice? Well, the magic is answer to this is that you have to build it yourself. A custom made home, that makes all your architectural dreams come true can be expensive. But what if you could build a home from things that you already possess? Here is a great example of how amazing a tiny house built out of recycled materials can be. The total cost of this home was around $420 and it has a truly unique and authentic look. The owners built this home just 3 months and the result is pretty impressive. It is indeed a tiny home that has all the comfort and basic needs one might wish for in everyday life and ideal for a young couple. To learn more about this cool project, visit the following link and watch the video presentation and interview.






  • I would be thrilled to find a place like that in the states. Communal living but each with their own sleeping/storage area. Everyone working together. I like that a lot.

  • 1) NO mention of sanitary facilities in the “community”. Pit “toilets”? Outdoor “showers”? No mention of running water or hygiene at all.
    2) No mention of meeting building codes. Building codes exist to ensure the building is safe, not a death trap. Fire exits? Building codes require 2 routes of egress (enter/exit) in case of fire. Not just for young nimble adults, but elderly as well. Codes also ensure the building is insulated to a minimum standard, strong enough to withstand high winds, snow loads, etc, that the electric system won’t overload an start a fire, etc, etc, etc.

    While we do need to explore and develop “sustainable” materials and methods, hippy-dippy communes is NOT the answer. There are over Seven BILLION – 7,000,000,000 – people on this planet. Returning to the Middle Ages is NOT an option.

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