Tiny House Project


Alek Lisefski has a plan to build a tiny house for him and designed this project. He is a web designer by trade, and has a passion for the visual arts, the great outdoors, architecture, and all things natural and beautiful. Also, he tends to find inspiration all around him, though currently all he does is stare at houses and get ideas.

“The main aspect of the Tiny Project is to build a tiny house. Inhabiting such a small space will force me to live in a simpler, more organized and efficient way. Without room to hoard things and hide away from the world, I’ll be forced to spend more time outdoors, in nature and engaging with my community. This will foster better health and healthy relationships. With no more rent to pay, I’ll save money, allowing for a less hectic work life and more time and funds for health, leisure and travel. I won’t be able to keep closets full of clothes or store 5 year old trinkets in a house so small. But I also couldn’t possibly spend $100/month to heat the place, like I do with my apartment now. It has its trade-offs, but one thing is certain: While living in a such a small house, my space, and in turn each area of my life, will be simpler, less chaotic, and free from all but what is essential. That sounds really great to me!”


Some amenities/appliances include:

  • Shower, kitchen sink, and small bathroom sink, all with propane on-demand hot water
  • Marine-style 2-burner propane stove and oven
  • Super-efficient Counter-height refrigerator/freezer
  • Home-made composting toilet
  • Highly efficient electric convection heater
  • Combo washer/dryer unit

Construction features include:

  • Efficient fiberglass or premium vinyl, double-pane, low-E coated, argon filled windows
  • High R-value closed-cell spray foam insulation
  • Rainscreen exterior cladding for improved moisture control
  • Highly efficient LED and compact fluorescent lighting
  • Use of reclaimed items and efficient use of materials to minimize construction impact.

7 Responses to “Tiny House Project”

  1. Lynn says:

    What a fab idea; love the concept, could really see a place for this in so many ways

    Really hope it gets off the ground!

  2. Heinz says:

    A lot of great thinking here. Your rationale for simplicity — reducing to the essentials — thus creating a less chaotic existence is so spot on. Good work man 🙂

  3. John says:


    All I need now is the wife to leave and a 3 car garage for all the toys.

  4. Dorothy says:

    What is the cost of a home like this?

    • Alek Lisefski says:

      many people expect to build a tiny home like this for around 20k in materials and then do most all of the construction themselves. Mine mine be a bit more due to more expensive window and appliance choices.

  5. John Risdon says:

    How can I find out more about the little house?

  6. Organick says:

    the heater in the bedroom… noisy.

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