Top 10 Must-Have Foods For An Emergency Stockpile


All of the tutorials and DIY projects on how to make or keep tasty meals safe for more than a few days don’t prepare you for a situation of natural disaster or other kind of emergency. Luckily for you, there are responsible websites out there that do feel like they should give you a helping hand in times of harsh weather, storms or other environmental problems which might keep you locked inside the home. In case of emergency, the usual amount of food needed by your body can double. The required energy levels are increasing when you must move and be on constant alert. The list of food you should stockpile (just in case) include Canned Alaskan Wild Salmon / Dried Beans / Brown Rice / Bulk Nuts / Peanut Butter / Trail Mix / Energy Bars and Chocolate Bars / Beef Jerky / Coffee / Instant Coffee / Sea vegetables / Powdered Super Greens.
Check out the entire list and plan emergency situations with care. You should keep a can opener in the same place with the foods, as well as check the expiration dates every half an year.


The Top 10 Best Survival Foods to Stockpile

15 Responses to “Top 10 Must-Have Foods For An Emergency Stockpile”

  1. Gloria Anderson says:

    Where did you get the picture of the pantry?
    This happens to be my pantry.

  2. Holly says:

    need lots of water too.

  3. Tracy says:

    This is your pantry? Did you post it on a blog or Facebook? It’s looking like someone stole your image…

  4. Diane says:

    I would omit the brown rice as it is known to be high in arsenic.

  5. Sharon says:

    We write the expiration date of the outside of cans and place a sticker on the lid of mason jar lids with date canned..

  6. Tiffaney Hanchett says:

    Well done…

  7. Kathryn Houbre says:

    While white rice will keep for years, brown rice will not because of the oil. Delete the brown rice from your list.

  8. Anna says:

    Looks like an old time general store! Are you serious that’s yours?? (Well, some ppl DO joke around…) Wow! smh Someone is in for some serious sanctions!! Nail ’em!!

  9. Violet says:

    No rice.

    • Ferd says:

      Violet, You can acquire rice in most grocery stores or on-line (think Amazon). It is an essential, long-term sustained addition to any survival/emergency “store” you are putting together.

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