Dried fruit is a healthy option for those who like sweets and want to avoid all that refined sugar from candies and chocolate. Surely, fruits contain sugar too, but they are not that harmful as the sugar from store-bought sweets. Also dried fruit that you can buy from a store can be quite expensive, so why not make a cheaper version at home that is even more delicious. You will only need some fruits and an oven to make dried fruits. If you have a fruit dehydrator your task is simpler, but an oven will do too.
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Thanks for this post. I am wondering, however, if you believe that a convection could be used as a successful replacement?
Yes, you can use a convection oven to dehydrate. They work extremely well. Just use the lowest temperature your oven will go to (Mine for instance goes to 170 f). You will have to experiment with times, but they work very well.
There is no information here – just “buy a dehydrator – stick food in it.” This is not worthy of publication.
Click on the link Healthy Dehydrated Fruit – Directions by Housing A Forest…. under the orange slices picture. hope that helped
Thanks, That did help.
exactly what I was thinking, no temps, no time, no “flip or don’t flip” type of instructions etc. pointless. good thing I already have a dehydrator haha
yes I agree ! no information at all !!
Yeah, looks more like an ad for a dehydrator than a useful article.
There is a link on the bottom. All the details are there housingaforest.com/healthy-dehydrated-fruit/
Agree. They should publish ways to do it using no electricity. My wife lays the trays out in our spare car. On those hot summer days a car with the windows cracked open 1 inch dries the fruit just as fast as one of those fancy electric dehydrators.
Maybe it’s meant to spark an idea you negative shit. Need someone to show you how to clean your own ass too?
Now, now, there’s no reason to be rude and use bad language. What are you, a negative nelly? Really, dear, if you changed your attitude and acted more like a lady, you might find that the world will respond to you in a more positive manner. As it is, I am tempted to bash your face in with my purse.
ok Mom
Yeah, where are the instructions? What temperature? what time? Disappointing article i must say.
Also on Housing a Forest there are no oven temperature instructions.
You can find the proper temps for drying fruits on Pinterst , may vary depending on your oven
Hope this is helpful
An advertisement for dehydrators. Tricked again. Sigh. Waste of time.
yeah..this kind of stuff pisses me off! I want to make in the oven! You say we can but don’t tell how..just BUY something!!!!!!!!!
225 for two hours
Thanks for the reminder – I’ll need to make some soon…they look fantastic in those jars 🙂
Look up Alton Brown’s homemade dehydrator. It uses a box fan and paper air filters.
Look below the oranges, there is a link to the actual page that gives you directions on dehydrating the fruits.
Gracias por facilitar esta pag traduciendo al español soy feliz
I don’t think those fruits in the jars are the right color. They look fresh, not dehydrated to me. I also find that mason jars let in light which contributed to deterioration in drhydrated fruits.
All these negative comments. Feeble people, just experiment. If you can’t figure it out you should stick to buying dried fruit at the store.
Por favor tem como mandar tradução… Sou do Brasil.. não sei Inglês… Grata
I find this article published in April 2015 to be extremely uninformative. There is virtually zero instructions on how to prepare, slice, pre treat, spice or herb add, and conditioning of dried fruits. What you presented was a group of “pretty ” pictures. Sad, very sad indeed. Not what I expected at all from your website. This is more of an infomercial than true how to. RC
So… where’s the ‘how’ part?
Bwahahaha, I was thinking the same thing. So many people with negative comments, look it up or how about this but a freaking book in canning and read.
Click on the directions link at the end of the article people. Everyone seems to have missed that simple step.