Many homemade projects involve the same old materials. After a year or so of making DIY stuff, repurposing wooden benches, beds or soda cans can begin to look a bit uncreative. Searching for ingenious materials may prove tricky. That’s why we suggest you give another chance to the plain PVC pipe. Browse through the ideas provided and create away!
more details here…
more details here…
you page is SO CLUTTERED with advertising it took me five frustrating minutes to actually find the link to view this. Please be considerate of your readers and make it easier for us to find the information you promote. thank you.
still looking! won’t be back.
I agree. If they want people to use their website it should not be that difficult to wade through the ads to find the very discreet link. I don’t need to learn how to use their website as Thelemic Waves suggested. I can unlike their FB page as I’m doing next! It’s not worth it to me.
Totally agree. Lots of good and interesting ideas but too well hidden behind the advertising crap!
I often dont even bother to look past the original photo because I know it will be a waste of effort.
Install an addin for your browser called uBlock, problem solved
It’s not them, it’s your computer. Get Adblock Plus like I did and you won’t be bothered with the ads. It’s a free download. Google it..
No, it’s them, not our computers. My computer does not generate a bunch of ads because I don’t have ad block software installed. Unliking the page is much quicker than installing software that the ad hounds are daily developing workarounds for.
I am glad I am not the only one who had trouble finding stuff.
I like the ideas here. Especially the last one. I might even do the desk one for my new back room. One thing tho..I use Adblock Plus. It gets rid of the ads so I can enjoy the web pages.
It was easy for me I found it right away… Stop whining
so wheres the 15?
This text “15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas” (Under the picture) is a link. It takes you to the page with the project pictures.
You’re going to have to learn this about Good Home Design’s website; the thing you see first is always the “teaser” page and there is a link to follow.
See the part at the bottom of the text that says
15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas
That’s the link
There’s a link when you click on the words “15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas”
Under the picture click on the line saying 15 Awesome PVC Projects for the home >< daily ideas.
You have to click the link.
You have to click on the words in italics. (15 Awesome PVC…)
click on the italics words “15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas”
it’s directly under the paragraph and picture- hard to notice amongst all the damn ads…
Click the link under pic..and paragraph
. ” 15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas”
Scroll up and look for the tiny print—-> 15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas
It was difficult to find at first. Look close below the pictures for the link with arrows. Clink on it & you’ll get there.
15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas
the link below the pictures in the middle of the page but see if this works▼▼
Click on 15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas up above
click on the link
15 Awesome PVC Projects for the Home <> Daily Ideas
its under the pictures
So where are these ideas?
Click the link that says 15 awesome PVC projects for home……under the ad. It’s in grey
Click the link that says 15 awesome PVC projects for the home. It’s under the ad in gray italics
It’s clickbait. You click multiple times to get to the actual page and they get paid more.
I agree! If you really want us to continue to like your page it shouldn’t be this frustrating to find links. Everytime I go out to look at something you’ve shared I think about unliking…
As long as we are all complaining about the website, I have emailed them 3 times, unsuccessfully. When I try to pin their website to Pinterest, Pinterest blocks it. I have asked good home design repeatedly to remedy this. I assume is due to the abundance of garbage advertising. It is a shame, because they really do have some good articles sometimes that I would like to save.
They have to have ever tiesman otherwise my projects would cost you money so please be considerate other free projects they give you for the price of advertisement
That should read advertisement not tiesman, their projects, autocorrect stinks