52 Week Money Saving Challenge


Ever thought about going on that exciting ski trip to the mountains or that relaxing vacation to a spa resort, but didn’t quite manage to save the money for it? Now you can stop daydreaming about lounging at the Sun with a refreshing glass lemonade in your hand, and really live this experience, with the help of this simple project. It’s not that people don’t want to save up, but they aren’t encouraged to do so in a creative way. Well, if you find yourself in this case, you don’t have to worry any longer for a solution, as we have an ingenious money saving idea for you. Grab:

• a jar;
• a piece of white paper;
• a ruler and a marker (or) a printed template;
• a pair of scissors;
• transparent tape;

The process is very easy, but the creativity of the result is what will keep you saving money as much as 1400 $ after a year. Start with deciding if you will draw the savings table yourself (with a ruler and a marker) or if you will print a template off the computer. The choice is yours. When you’ve done this, take the pair of scissors and patiently cut a nice looking border around the paper. Then use transparent tape – glue isn’t advised because it will leave wrinkles on the paper and it’s kind of difficult to peel it off later on – to stick it to the jar. And so the money saving adventure begins. You’re welcome!

52-Week-Money-Saving-Challenge-1photo source: lifeasyouliveit.blogspot.com 


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