The Freest States For Off-Grid Living

This edition of Freedom in the 50 States presents a completely revised and updated ranking of the American states based on how their policies promote freedom in the fiscal, regulatory, and personal realms.
This edition again improves upon the methodology for weighting and combining state and local policies in order to create a comprehensive index. Authors William Ruger and Jason Sorens introduce many new policy variables suggested by readers. More than 230 policy variables and their sources are now available to the public on a new website for the study. Scholars, policymakers, and concerned citizens can assign new weights to every policy and create customized indices of freedom, or download the data for their own analyses. Which American states interfere with your life the least?

The five freest states are:

  1. New Hampshire
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Indiana
  4. South Dakota
  5. Alaska


45. Connecticut
46. Maryland
47. New Jersey
48. Hawaii
49. California
50. New York


Learn more at Freedom in the 50 States.

Which American states interfere with your life the least?

4 Responses to “The Freest States For Off-Grid Living”

  1. Phil Brooke says:

    My feelings are certain counties in any state take a fairly hands off approach too.

    • Tim T says:

      Agreed Phil. The state might have some regulations, but the county might be fairly hands off. When considering living off grid, both the state and county and even city/town should be consulted.

      It’s also possible that some counties and municipalities in the freest states such as New Hampshire, Oklahoma, or Indiana are much more strict than others. The state might not provide much regulation, but the county might be extraordinarily restrictive.

  2. Le says:

    Question: Did states improve their ranking bc of deregulation, or did other states impose more regulations which just made them better by comparison?

  3. Brenda Meriwether says:

    This is major bs in regards to Hawaii. On the big island at least 1/3 of the land is off grid to some degree, entire districts have water catchment except the main streets of little towns, a large percentage have converted for propane appliances, I have city electricity but my stove and dryer are propane.

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